Give Yourself a Push!

17 July 2013 by Mindy Oon CM-


Just wishing for situations in life to get better or to be different does not bring change or results. But what makes a difference is setting aside all distractions, oppositions from the enemy, reasons why 'it can’t work’, and whatever else that hold us back. We also have to decide that when God says something can happen, it is our job to agree with Him and allow Him to empower us to see it happen.

Each of us have been frustrated by things that have happened in our lives. We’ve all been hurt, and we’ve all gone through pain, stress, trials, and adversity. We have all had moments when it felt like life was pressing against us, and that things would never ever get better.


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The truth is, whether our lives are good or difficult now, there will be times when life will be hard and that it is not going to change. Here on earth, none of us can choose whether or not we’ll be free from pain. But this does not mean that we are helpless. As God’s children, we do not need to sit back and let life happen to us.

God has given us something incredibly powerful. He has given us His strength and Power, which can help us overcome and press through any issues in our lives! Philippians 4:13 says, ‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me’ and Isaiah 41:10 says, ‘Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.’

Wishes don’t have any power to change our lives. But God’s power and our determination to stay in the course no matter what happens, does. When troubles have backed us into a corner, stolen our joy and kept us away from God’s best, it is time that we stop wishing and start pressing in towards God and against the pressure that is pressing us. No one can do this for us, and we need to make the choice to change or to stay where we are.


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We may be facing different things. Some of us want to get out of debt while others need healing and reconciliation in their relationships. Some need to change their lifestyle habits. In Philippians 3:12, apostle Paul said ‘not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me.’ Paul was determined to press in and press on. He wasn’t going to let anything stop him from laying hold of everything Jesus had prepared for him.

We need to have the same attitude as apostle Paul, and come to the place where we press in towards what God has for us, choosing to push forward instead of dwelling in the feelings of defeat. Believe that God has prepared many great things for you, and decide to push forward with His strength!


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