Triple Launch-New Building, David Boler Lecture Hall and Book by Pastor Ooi Chin Aik!


21 Jan 2013 by Adeline Lum-


Ooi Chin Aik, an evangelist, itinerant speaker, former Secretary General of NECF, pastor and theologian author, launched a new book entitled ‘Final Reward in Paul's Thoughts’ last Wednesday. The book was introduced in conjunction with the opening of Ministry for Asia Pacific (MAP) newly-owned and renovated building in Bandar Sri Damansara.


Ooi Chin Aik


Although the night started with a brief drizzle, 150 Christian leaders from all over the country gathered for the buffet-style food catered before the event. Amongst the notables were:

  • Rev. Eu Hong Seng (NECF Chairman, CFM Vice Chairman and Senior Pastor of FGT)
  • Pastor Ong Hock Huat (Senior Pastor of FGA Ipoh)
  • Elder Wong Chong Wah (SS Gospel Centre)
  • Dr Chew Weng Chee (Senior Pastor of SIB KL)
  • Dr Daniel Ho (Founding General Secretary of NECF and Senior Pastor of DUMC)
  • Brenda Boler (Daughter of Mr and Mrs David Boler)
  • Lim Eng Weng (Chairman of MAP and Cheras EFC)
  • Elder Kong Yeng Phooi (Petaling Jaya Gospel Hall)
  • Rev. Dr. Tan Jin Huat (STM and All Saints Anglican Church Cheras)
  • Pastor Kenneth Chin (Senior Pastor of ACTS Church)
  • Rev Gerawat Maran (former President of SIB Sarawak)
  • Rev. Dr. Samuel Ng Teng Beng (Senior Pastor of Faith City Church, Assemblies of God)


Full-time staff of MAP standing


Next, the crowd was ushered into the auditorium at ground floor, which was dedicated and named after the late Founding Chairman of MAP, David Boler.

A group photo of the attendees—Christian leaders, advisors and supporters of MAP—were taken before a worship led by a guitarist, violinist and keyboardist. Most of the songs were Chin Aik’s favourites including ‘Thank you Jesus for your love to me’ and ‘Great is Thy Faithfulness.’ 


The crowd was so big that chairs were placed outside the auditorium


First on-stage was Rev. Eu Hong Seng who prayed that fine people would be raised to glorify and carry God’s name to the ends of the earth, followed by Pastor Ong Hock Huat who prayed that God would bless Pastor Chin Aik's ministry. 

Rev Eu Hong Seng

Pastor Ong Hock Huat


The emcee of the night, Peter Tan, also read a host of congratulatory messages from the MAP International Council of Reference as far as United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and Singapore, followed by a showcase of MAP video. 



After that, Pastor Chin Aik came on stage to share the reasons for a MAP building. According to The Star newspaper last February, Chin Aik shared that the proportion of elderly, 60 years old and above, would hit nearly 10 percent of the population by 2020. The life expectancy for Malaysians has also increased since 1957, from 56 to 72 years old for males and 58 to 77 years old for females to-date. 


Ooi Chin Aik


A study conducted in 2009 also found that Malaysia is expected to be an aged country by year 2023, where more than 12% of the population will be 60 years old and above. And by 2030, this percentage would increase to 15%.

Due to the aging believers’ deep and wide experiences and skills, Chin Aik wished to persuade and encourage them to use what they know to spread the Kingdom and serve the society. 


Christian leaders standing up in worship


“We need cutting-edge seniors and senior evangelism leaders to impact the younger leaders for the gospel,” said Chin Aik.

After that, Elder Wong Chong Wah led in the dedication prayer for the new building quoting Psalm 127:1.


Elder Wong Chong Wah

A song of ascents. Of Solomon. Unless the LORD builds the house, its builders labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain.

“You know how Jesus was from a small town of Nazareth, (whereby one asked) can anything good come from there?” said Elder Wong. “And just like me, Chin Aik comes from a small town- Saint Georges School in Taiping.”

The audience responded in laughter. Pastor Chin Aik has been engaged in full-time Bible teaching and gospel preaching around the world for over 25 years. He also graduated with first class honours degrees at Regent College in Canada with two Master’s in Theology and Christian studies.

Next, Dr Chew Weng Chee came on stage to pray for the committee members of MAP, followed by Dr Daniel Ho who gave a speech to honour the late elder statesman, Mr David Boler. 


Dr Chew Weng Chee

Dr Daniel Ho


“David Boler and I have been working very closely together for 10 years with all the teh tarik sessions at his place,” recalled Dr Daniel Ho. “I remember taking Mr Boler with me to FGA and after singing two songs in worship, I told Mr Boler that he could sit down if he wanted to. But he did not and stood all through worship. This shows us a man who respects God, and mostly (a man who respects) the people around him.”

In dedicating the ground floor to David Boler, Chin Aik came on-stage next to share how the late Mr Boler had been his friend, mentor and personal advisor until he died in 2008. Mr Boler accepted Chin Aik’s invitation to become the Founding Chairman of MAP at age 80. In fact, at 88 years old, Mr Boler walked up the staircase to chair the Board of Directors' meetings. 


Ooi Chin Aik


“Although Mr Boler had given so much to the Lord, I heard him ask God for forgiveness for not having done enough for Him,” said Chin Aik. “David Boler deserves to be honoured and I pray that God would raise many more people like him in this country.”

After that, Brenda Boler, daughter of Mr and Mrs Boler, and Mr Lim Eng Weng, the Chairman of MAP, were invited to unveil the David Boler memorial plaque.


Brenda Boler and Lim Eng Weng

Brenda Boler


Elder Kong Yeng Phooi came on stage to pray and dedicate The David Boler Lecture Hall. “David Boler has set a godly example in great Christian service for all of us.”



Lastly, Rev. Dr. Tan Jin Huat shared his opinions on ‘Final Reward in Paul’s Thoughts.”


Rev Dr Tan Jin Huat


“I must say this book has many gold nuggets to share. It answers the many questions on the final reward for believers,” said Rev. Dr. Tan followed by Pastor Kenneth Chin who prayed for readers of this newly launched book, “I pray that Lord… you would put this book in the hands of those who would benefit from the message. And that people who read this book would say, I want to be like that.”


Pastor Kenneth Chin


After that, everyone sang the doxology together before Rev. Gerawat Maran delivered a strong closing prayer and Rev. Dr. Samuel Ng Teng Beng performed the benediction.


Rev. Gerawat Maran

Dr Samuel Ng Teng Beng


What a memorable night of many Christian leaders convening together as one body in Christ in one place! Before bidding farewell, I lined up to get an autograph for my newly purchased book from Pastor Ooi Chin Aik. 


Ooi Chin Aik in his book-signing session


May the Lord bless his ministry in igniting the passion to serve the advance of Christ's gospel, and may the Lord bless the readers of his book with life-changing insights! 


Reference for Stars Newspaper:



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