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John 10:27

My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.


God is willing to talk with you. Are you receptive? Are you ready and willing to listen to God?




But you cannot have a relationship with someone without communication.

Who says God does not speak anymore? Who says the days of miracles are over? God still speaks today through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit communicates the deep things of God to us 1) through His written Word 2) through His anointed servants 3) supernatural means as dreams and visions 4) circumstances.


Our Circumstances

Sometimes the only way God can teach us something is to allow circumstances in our life to lead us to and through the very thing we need to discover.


The Still Small Voice

Most of the time God uses a tiny voice inside us to let us know when we’re not on the right path. Some people call it “the voice of peace.” Whenever we’re contemplating something and we don’t have peace about it, it’s a very good idea to stop and carefully look at the options. There’s a reason when you don’t feel peace about it.

The Actual Voice

Sometimes we’re able to “hear” something in our spirit that sounds to us like an actual audible voice. Or all of a sudden, you just know you heard something. Pay attention to those occasions because it is very likely God is trying to tell you something.


God will speak to us in many ways; one of the main ways is through the written scriptures. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. (2 Tim 3:16-17 NIV


Through other people

Many times God will use other people to try to get through to us. It’s possible for God to use anyone at any time, but I find more messages coming from people who are practicing Christians than non-practicing ones.


God will never speak to you in contradiction to His written Word. Every time God speaks it must be measured and judged by His word.


Ref: winenoil@wordpress


We need to open our hearts to receive the word of the Lord not only from the Bible but through the other channels by which God speaks.

We walk in life by hearing and obeying the proceeding word of the Lord by whatever means He chooses to speak that word in us.


Jeremiah 7:23-24 NKJV

But this is what I commanded them, saying, ‘Obey My voice, and I will be your God, and you shall be My people. And walk in all the ways that I have commanded you, that it may be well with you. “Yet they did not obey or incline their ear, but followed the counsels and the dictates of their evil hearts, and went backward and not forward.


Many today are not able to hear the continuous voice of God because of a fixed mindset of how God can speak to them or how God should speak to them. They have developed their own limited understanding of who God is and how He could speak. Some are teaching that the days of miracles are over. They are not trying to live by what God said, and refuse to hear what He is saying. So they have literally rejected the God of miracles.




If we are going to grow in faith, our hearts and our ears must be open to Him. We must believe that the word of the Lord can come to us today. If we do not refuse His voice like the children of Israel but willing to hear His voice and obey Him we will be able to walk in His destiny.



We need not go through all kinds of ritual and ceremony for God to speak to us. God can and often does speak to us when we are least expecting to hear from Him. We don’t have to strain ourselves to hear from God.



Spiritual maturity progresses as we become more Holy Spirit conscious and less self-conscious. The more we are able to die to ourselves and walk in the spirit the more we become sensitive to the voice of God. God is spirit and He will only speak to your born-again spirit.


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God has the capacity to speak to us through His Holy Spirit direct from heaven. We have the capacity to hear through our spirit when He speaks. For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God (1 Cor.2:11).

Paul refers man as spirit, soul and body (1 Ths. 5:23). The spirit is that inward part of the man that is God conscious. The soul (intellect, will and emotions) is that inward part of man that is self-conscious. The body (responding through the senses) is the part of us that makes us world-conscious. So then because we are spirit and God is a spirit we can have communication.




We know God’s voice because we know Him. Jesus says, “I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me”(John 10:14 NIV). We recognize God’s voice because we recognize Him, the better we get to know God the more clearly we will recognize His voice. God’s voice is His Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Love, so the voice of God is the sound of Love. The actions of love are accomplished when we put God’s benefit and the benefit of others before our own benefit. God’s voice, His Holy Spirit will always lead us in the direction of love.



As we stand at the threshold of God’s glory being revealed upon the earth the greatest need continues to be workers in the harvest.


Matt. 9:37-38 

“Then Jesus said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”


It is through hearing and obeying the voice of God that we gather the harvest and expand the kingdom of God. Each Christian has a mission and a ministry ordained by God to walk in. There is only one head in the body of Christ, as we listen and obey His voice, the Holy Spirit; the Body of Christ will come together in complete unity and function in perfect harmony.


JaiNote: Rev Dr Jai Kumar is an ordained & licensed minister of   Covenant Ministries International N.J. USA. He is a mission    minded pastor who carries an apostolic anointing who  preaches  and teaches an uncompromising gospel  with  boldness. A member  of ECCM (Malaysia)  Spiritual Adviser &  overseer to various  ministries and churches. An itinerant  speaker.  He is also the  author of a book entitled, ‘God’s Time  Clock.’ Currently he  worships  at C3 Subang.


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Rev Dr Jai Kumar

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