21st Nov 2012. By Mindy Oon, Ipoh. CM –
Music is an important part of our lives. We listen to the radio or CDs in the car, we listen to songs when it comes on during movies, the shopping centers play songs for us, even when we don’t want to hear it. Songs can affects our moods and emotions, for example, King Saul calmed down only when David played the harp. Music can set an atmosphere for a place or event, and songs of praise and worship bring us closer to God.
SAND in action
However, not many know much about the Malaysian Gospel Music (MGM) scene, unless one is actively involved in writing songs and producing albums. According to Rev Ng Wah Lok, MGM is guided by a steering committee comprising of himself, Rev Nicholas Wu, Lucy Loo, Esther Mui and Patrick Leong. It aims to advance and raise the standard of gospel music in Malaysia and to create a platform for Malaysian Christian artistes to impact our churches, culture and community.
MGM launched its first album, Adore, last year, as well as gave recognition to all who has contributed to this industry, with lifetime achievement awards going to HT Long, KB Chan, Aris Siew, Geoffrey Woo, and GT Lim. Among others who received awards during the MGM nite were SAND, 1am, Juwita Suwito, Aubrey Suwito and Patrick Leong.
MGM workshops were conducted in Ipoh on the 17 of November at Emmanuel Assembly of God, with Kelvyn Yeang of SAND teaching lead guitar, Ng Wah Lok of Tabernacle Music teaching songwriting, Raymond Tan of SAND teaching piano skills, vocal skills by Juwita Suwito, and bass guitar and drums by Resonate members Anson Ong and Elliot Koon, respectively. These talented teachers passed on as much of their skills and knowledge, to those who were there with much passion. Their ability to teach an audience who ranged from young teens to retirees spoke on their professionalism. Indeed we can be proud that our homegrown Malaysian artistes have advanced in their standard.
Elliot Koon giving piano skills workshop
This was followed by a concert at night which featured artists such as SAND, Geoffrey Woon, Patrick Leong, as well as international artiste Juwita Suwito. Those in attendance were exposed to the many different styles of music by many different bands and singers, and there was a little something for everyone. It was also a night that showcased the history of Malaysian gospel music, and how it has evolved, improved and advanced throughout the years.
Those who attended the workshops and concert were given a complimentary CD Adore, which is a compilation of best gospel songs written and sung by Malaysians throughout the years. Look out for MGM’s second album that includes several Bahasa Melayu songs in the near future.
For more information on what is the latest in Malaysian gospel music, visit the MGM website at www.mgm.com.my
or www.tabernaclemusic.com
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