It was a joyous occasion for KL Baptist Church, as they celebrated their 65th church anniversary at Golden Dragonboat Restaurant on the 10th of December. It began with a short worship service presented by Pr Ai Hua and the worship team and the tambourine dancers.

Pr John then welcomed the guests. He explained that people and churches usually celebrate anniversaries in 10 years, 25 years (silver jubilee), 50 years (golden jubilee), 75 years (diamond jubilee), & 100 years (centenary jubilee).
Leviticus 25:1-4, 8-10.
You shall then sound a ram’s horn abroad on the tenth day of the seventh month; on the day of atonement you shall sound a horn all through your land. You shall thus consecrate the fiftieth year and proclaim a release through the land to all its inhabitants. It shall be a jubilee for you.
But today was different.
“Today we are celebrating our 65th Anniversary. 65 years of God’s faithfulness to us,” the Pastor explained.
“Despite the people who have come and gone, leaders who have come and gone, and even pastors coming and going, the Church has still remained strong as a witness in KL, Malaysia and to the whole world. Not because of us or anyone, but because of His grace, mercy & love.”

The church had come a long way since it’s humble beginnings, planted with the help of Miss Jessie Green, the first Southern Baptist missionary, who arrived in August 1951. It began in a rented shop house at 37, Pasar Road in which bible study and prayer meetings were held. These meetings expanded to meetings that included evangelistic meetings, children’s meetings and worship services that were also conducted in Chinese to cater to the local Chinese community. Eventually, other missionaries joined Miss Green like Miss Lau Ching Han from Hong Kong, Miss Mak Kwai Lan and Pastor Loh Yan Kwong from Hong Kong.

On December 14, 1952, Kuala Lumpur Baptist Church, was officially recognized and set up with 18 charter members. Dr Eugene Hill was called to be the honorary pastor and Pastor Loh Yan Kwong was missionary-in-charge.

The church began to grow as time went by. So expansion was to happen. After two years’ search for a piece of land on which to build the new church, they were rewarded with a strategic site in the hub of the city at Bukit Bintang. Through God’s grace and provision, the property was purchased and construction only took a year to complete. By the grace and blessing of God, on November 20, 1955, KUALA LUMPUR BAPTIST CHURCH dedicated the new building at 70, Cangkat Bukit Bintang (formerly known as Hicks Road), whereby Pastor Loh Yan Kwong was ordained as the Pastor of the church.

Pastor John explained that because of how God brought them from such small beginnings it was time to give thanks.
“So, because of that, this evening is set aside primarily to give thanks & to share His love & blessings.
‘God has walked with us. He has journeyed with us these 65 years. We have our ups & downs as well.
‘And despite our failures & weaknesses He has not abandoned us. He continues to shower His great blessings upon us. So, may we come with a grateful hearts this evening. To remember all that He has done for us. To God Be The Glory, great things He has done,” he conveyed.

Special guests were acknowledged that night. Pastor Richard Toh and Patricia, Chairman of our Malaysian Baptist Convention (MBC), Mr Lim Sun Heng and wife, Former Chairman of our MBC and Dr & Mrs Thomas Chin both lecturers of Malaysia Baptist Theological Seminary, Rev Chin Lee Yean, Education Board Chairman of MBC and wife, Dr Living Lee, Secretary of our MBC, Rev. Soong Kok Kee and wife and son, Rev Chin See Kong, Menglembu Baptist church, Pastor Liang Tet Yee (Cempaka BC), Rev Dawn Leong (Kean Tao BC, Kuantan), Pastor Kon Sun May (Canaan BC), Pastor Wai Chee Kiat (Grace BC), Pastor Derek Leong (Emmanuel BC), Pastor Koh Tan Sian (Seremban BC), Rev Bobby and Elaine (Hope Community BC), Rev Alvin Tan, Pastor & Mrs Victor (Sunbeams Home) and two very special guests of honour which was the newly elected President of the Asia Pacific Baptist Federation, Rev Edwin Lam, and Madam Mak Kwai Lan, who was one of the 18 charted members of KL Baptist church.

Of all the 18 charted members who were elected in 1952, Madam Mak is only one who is still alive as 17 of them have gone home to the Lord. More amazingly she came up all the way from Singapore with her daughter to join them. Indeed an amazing testimony of God’s provision and graciousness in granting longevity throughout the years.
Psalm 91:16
16″With a long life I will satisfy him And let him see My salvation.”
The speaker also expressed hope that she would still be able to join them in 10 years’ time when KL Baptist would be celebrating their 75th Diamond Jubilee. By then, she would be 97 years old!
Also present were the daughter churches that had come from the hard work and toil of KL Baptist Church throughout the years from Seremban Baptist Church in 1954 to KL Baptist Desa ParkCity in 2013, and many others from Kuantan to Ipoh.

The church also welcomed their international members from Korea, Philippines, Nepal, and Myanmar, a testament of KL Baptist living the Great Commission whereby Christ had mandated in
Mark 16:15
And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.
The festivities ended with a blessed draw which main prize was an IPhone 7 Plus, laptop, and a 55in LED television.
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Chris Quah
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