Jubila-te . The Rally to Pray

Standing and agreeing in prayer

19th Sept. 2012 by Robin Piong , CM

There were several Prayer Rallies of which I have missed for the past 2 months and I am not sure whether it was deliberate or just cynical of me. The numerous prayer meetings or church services that I have attended all my Christian life where the call to pray for the nation , I often wondered what was going on in the mind of the believers praying or even in the speaker that was proclaiming.

Standing and agreeing in prayer

Do we really know what we are praying for when we say pray for the nation? Or when we ask God to forgive and bless the nation? Are we just saying or praying for the nation as a whole, or are we unconsciously group selective in our prayer? I really did not know whether I should utter the word. I honestly have not heard anyone in the pulpit uttering the word except for today.

Nevertheless the veil has been removed.

I was in FGT on Sunday night where the Jubilee celebration was held which is also part of the Prayer Rally organized by the five churches. The speaker encouraged us to pray louder than our neighbour and I took it as a call of duty to intercede for this country. Once the music started playing and the people began singing of this new song, I manage to warm up by speaking in tongues and within minutes the hall of a thousand people were already praying aloud. Almost immediately every doubt inside me vanished as I was swept away by the cries of sincerity and of the heartening prayers that were surrounding me. Our Father in heaven is definitely looking down on us, releasing his favour on us as our cries grew louder.

Corporate prayer is dynamic and powerful as Jesus taught us to come together, saying “Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” Matthew 18: 19 – 20. What more when there are a thousand praying for a full hour which I think we tarry more than that.

Kneeling in prayer

There, I could hardly follow the list of prayers, the writings on the wall. All I could do was shut my eyes and pray aloud. What an amazing experience to hear everyone praying loud and long. It was so uplifting in spirit and after a while I realized that I could not pray anymore audibly after the initial euphoria.

By this time tears were already flowing down my cheeks. I could only mumble Ruach Elohim (Spirit of God in Hebrew) throughout the night. Ruach Elohim, the Spirit of God or the Breath of God , I have learn to call out this name whenever I needed help in the spiritual realm and whenever I needed a miracle to overcome the impossible. The Lord has always been graceful and has always provided in abundance for me all these years. I just needed to rest in Ruach Elohim. At the same time, I was doubly sure that there were others who were calling out the name, Roh Kudus.

Next thing I knew I was binding the spirit of this strongman that rule much of the nation, Matthew 18:18, whatever you shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven. I can’t bind this strongman alone. I hope I won’t be called a man of little faith. It does not matter anyhow as titles are not important to me. However, whatever it is we do need to bind the spirit of this strongman together and release the knowing of the grace of God to this nation, in order that this land will really be healed. Jesus said, whatever you shall loose on earth it shall be loose in heaven. For we do not wrestle with flesh and blood but against principalities of dark forces, spiritual wickedness in high places, according to Ephesians 6:12.

Honestly I could not comprehend the jubilee as in the lengthy Leviticus 25 to be applicable to this present hour. My apologies, I needed to have some enlightenment on it but I definitely believe that healing the land requires far more than us gathering to pray. We know what Jesus Christ has done obediently what our Father wanted him to do on the cross! It is indeed finished, the veil is broken and the law has no power over us. We can all come to the Father for we no longer come under the law but under grace, Romans 6 : 14. We must constantly look to Jesus for he is our righteousness. There is really no other way but through Him no matter how righteous we are.

To heal the land is to share the gospel of salvation and that is, that Jesus came to give life and life abundantly. To share the message that now is the time of grace through Jesus and this period of grace will end when the Lord comes again triumphantly and with judgment, Matthew 25: 30 -31. How can they believe in the one in whom they have not heard ? Romans 10:14.

At the end, the speaker announced that the prayer rally will continue, but this time in DUMC on October the 23rd. I will be there and so will many. We must journey on and who knows in another time not only a thousand people will gather to pray but ten thousand.

Hallelujah! Glory to Jesus!