‘Hell Is Real’ and ‘Night of the Holy Spirit’ with Philip Mantofa: Kota Kinabalu



Broad is the way to salvation for Malaysia now, declared international evangelist pastor Phillip Mantofa of Surabaya, Indonesia.


Rev Philip Mantofa


The Holy Spirit had fallen on a few thousand Malaysians in Sabah who received Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour and Lord at a spiritual revival rally at the Penampang Stadium near the city capital on September 15-16.


The massive crowd during the event and people hungry for God.


On its closing night, hundreds of young people below 30 years also responded to Mantofa’s call for consecration to the Lord Jesus.

To this he affirmed: “There will be many apostles and prophets in the likes of holy men like Daniel in this nation in these last days” before the soon return of Jesus.

“(Although) the Bible warns that broad is the way to destruction but I say the road to salvation for Malaysians is now widened.  From now on a spiritual awakening will take place in Malaysia.

“Tonight is an historical event,” he told a jubilant 13,000 who arrived as early as 3.30pm before the stadium gates opened at 5.30pm and worship and preaching begun at 7.30pm and around 9pm respectively. 



They came as far as Ranau at the foot of Mount Kinabalu, some 100 miles away, and neighbouring Sarawak. 

Those who rushed out for  salvation broke through a human shield before the stage, weeping and confessing their sins after Mantofa called for repentance upon giving his descriptive visitation to the gruesome reality of Hell in January 2000.

“You will be responsible if you do not repent after hearing my testimony,” he cried out to the multitudes.

Hell is for half-hearted hypocritical Christians, he chided.



Holding up a medium length white chain with cuffs and throwing it onto the stage floor to symbolise the breaking off the fetters of sins on the people, Mantofa then commanded the Devil in a loud voice in the name of Jesus to release them.

A total of 6,629 gave their lives to Jesus at the end of the Kebangunan Kebaktian Rohani (KKR). 793 people received healing. The sick came in wheelchairs and by ambulance and the few hundred ushers attended to them, praying and counseling them. 

A total of 38,000 attended, which was jointly organised by the Sidang Injil Borneo (SIB) church in Kuala Lumpur and Sabah.



Although held at Donggongon the central township of the Catholic/Christian heartland of the indigenous Kadazandusuns where churches thrive, the event was opposed by certain quarters who had literally called on the rain to wash out the open air meetings.

Instead, as Christians prayed in the name of Jesus, what fell were little raindrops which cooled the people’s hair and skin, making them stay on till the end of the event.  


Worship and prayer during the event.


Mantofa said two days prior to KKR he fasted and cried out for the sins of the land till his tears dried up.

“The Lord told me that all who come here tonight will be saved.”

In 2000 at 5am the Lord took him to see the world of the dead.

For nine months he didn’t dare tell anyone fearing that they would brush him off. 

He was also traumatised by what he saw.

In that visit, Jesus told him to open the door to the horrible stench of dead human bodies.

He saw Satan and thousands of souls inside.

But he was not visible to the Devil as he was protected by the glory of the Lord.

“In one scene I saw a beautiful woman on whom demons were venting their lusts.

“While on earth she fulfilled her lusts on men but in Hell it’s her turn to satisfy the lusts of demons.

“Her tongue was cut off but grew back each time. Demons surrounded her as she sang the mantras of the fallen angels.

“I cried so hard and pleaded with the Lord to set her free. 

“But He said in a still small voice, ‘it’s too late’ “.

In Hell the name of Jesus is forever cut off from human lips as one can only call on Him on earth for salvation.

“We are spiritual beings. We don’t taste death.  When we die only our bodies leave the world.

“Our spirits either live forever in Heaven or in Hell”.


Passionate worship and the huge crowd.


Quoting Revelation 20: 11-14, Mantofa stressed the world of the dead that he saw is not the second death which is the  ultimate lake of fire, where death and hell, as well as anyone whose names are not found written in the Book of Life will be cast into, before the new heaven and earth emerged.


Revelations 20: 11-14

11 Then I saw a great white throne and him who was seated on it. The earth and the heavens fled from his presence, and there was no place for them. 12 And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Another book was opened, which is the book of life. The dead were judged according to what they had done as recorded in the books. 13 The sea gave up the dead that were in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead that were in them, and each person was judged according to what they had done. 14 Then death and Hadeswere thrown into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the second death.


NOTE: All photos were kindly contributed by SIB Sabah.


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