GMI- Reaching Out to The Marginalized, Poor and Sick

Dr Jason is the only doctor in the satellite clinic currently

November 5, 2012, by Adeline Lum CM-


Gethsemane Medical Care (GMC) started in year 2001, beginning as a Malaysian mobile medical clinic to the poor around the country, Now, Gethsemane Medical International (GMI) carries it’s medical efforts overseas with the vision of reaching over 40 countries in the next five years.


The birth of GMI from a staunch man of another faith



Pastor Jayarajan D., or lovingly called as Pastor J.D., came to Christ at the age of 39 years old. A once-staunch man of another faith who is married to his beautiful wife of Catholic faith, Pastor Sugirtha, Pastor J.D. once laughed at how he was prophesied to carry the gospel of Christ around the world one day. And now, the prophesy was fulfilled when J.D. accepted God upon Sugir’s fervent prayer.

The Lord was working mightily in his life and J.D. began to minister to Sugir’s family. Ten different families would converge every week to listen to the gospel teaching by him. Many hearts were changed and accepted Jesus Christ, in which five of the new believers were doctors. Realizing this, J.D. and his sister in-law, Dr Victoria Nathan, came up with the idea of Gethsemane Medical Care Ministry.


Growth of GMI seed on the fertile soils of Malaysia

“In year 2001, we would pool about RM1000 to host one camp. At that time, we only have two to three medical camps per year due to limited funds,” said J.D. who would trek into the interior parts of the jungle to serve.

However, in year 2007, TA Enterprise Berhad picked up J.D.’s vision and provided all funds for medications and facility for mobile clinics, increasing the number of medical camps to 45 locations per year in Malaysia. Currently, the mobile clinic has five doctors and six nurses, according to Pastor Peter Prakash. The GMI was able to reach the poorest and most marginalized people more extensively, including Orang Asli villages and immigrants from Nepal, Pakistan, Burma, Indonesia, Vietnam and Bangladesh.


Pastor Peter Prakash with the mobile clinic that can house five doctors and two nurses


Currently, a satellite clinic for migrant workers is also opened in Meru, Klang every Saturday at 8:30 pm, with 30 to 60 patients. Dr Jason who aspired to be a medical missionary is the only one volunteering at the satellite clinic.


Dr Jason examining his patient


“Dr Jason takes good care of the patients and never looked down at them,” said Christina who volunteered to hand out medications to patients.

Footing the expenses for medication with J.D., Dr Jason is also planning to seek social responsibility from the factory where most of his patients came from.


Dr Jason is the only doctor in the satellite clinic currently in Meru Klang


GMI branches extend out of Malaysia’s soil

Because of the success of the local mobile clinics, this idea was carried beyond the soil of Malaysia to Cambodia, Bangladesh and India, through the contacts of Pastor Stanley Gerard from the Great Commission International (GCI). The pilot test of GMI models reaped huge success in each of the country. And in November 2011, GMI was recognized as an international NGO worldwide and by the Malaysian government.

Since it’s official incorporation, GMI has run one camp in Bangladesh in March 2012 and two more camps will be planned in Phnom Penh and Siem Reap in Cambodia. The GMI team is constantly looking for doctors, nurses, dentists, pharmacists, medical students, and volunteers to volunteer. To run a medical camp overseas is no easy task due to the limited funds, averaging RM1000 per medical practitioner.


Truly the servants of Christ for the satellite clinic                   in Meru Klang


“Some of our medical and paramedical volunteers contributed to these medical trips overseas,” said J.D. who is grateful for their contribution in offsetting the medical trip expenses.

A camp generally runs for one day, often seeing up to 400 people. It is open to anyone, regardless of age, gender, race, religion or condition. Patients go through a succession of stations during their visit, including testing for vision, blood pressure, diabetes, dental and a general health check-up. The camp also has a small pharmacy which stocks basic medications and supplements. If a serious problem is detected, then the patient is referred to a local hospital.


Nepalese immigrant workers seeking free medical care


To ensure sustainability of GMI’s effort, J.D. and Sugir would also work with local churches overseas to train the indigenous folks first-aid, nursing and midwifery, while providing them medications and medical equipments. Hence, medical teams can be deployed immediately if a natural disaster happens.


Would you be like to be the water for GMI?

Gethsemane Medical International (GMI) has no vested personal milestone or political mileage. But they solely adhere to the social, incarnate gospel (Luke 4:17-19)— servitude through servant hood. They serve the least of the least only in the name of Jesus Christ (Matthew 23:11; 25:40-46).


The group praying to the Lord before giving medical care


The greatest among you will be your servant (Matthew 23:11).

The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ (Matthew 25:40).


Precious family who serves the Lord!


Gethsemane Medical Team (GMI) would love your help!

  • Are you a medical professional? GMI constantly needs doctors, nurses, medical students, pharmacists and dentists.
  • Are you passionate about the poor? You do not need to be a medical practitioner to volunteer. GMI needs people to organize, administrate and interact with patients.
  • You can also give gifts for natural disaster like non-perishable food and clothing.
  • Prayer is the most powerful tool! Please pray for GMI.
  • Financial support goes a long way for the sick and poor.


For more information, please contact Pastor J.D. at


Note: Pastor J.D. is also the leader of the Taman Desa Full Gospel Businessmen (FGB) Fellowship. He and his wife, Pastor Sugirtha, are pastors of a fast growing and vibrant church called The Ambassadors International Church located in Petaling Jaya. They have a son, Andrew (25 years old) and a daughter, Deborah (20 years old).


For more information for Taman Desa FGB Fellowship, please go to


For more information for The Ambassadors International Church located in Petaling Jaya, please go to






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