As Christians, we are called to show the love of Christ and to share His Good News with the people around us. Often times, it is the Gospel message about love and hope that brings a ray of light among people who were once struggling with brokenness. On World AIDS Day 2022, 40 people including pastors, elders, volunteers, and HIV caregivers as well as Malaysian CARE staff brought such a ray of hope and love to a community in an event hosted by Rev Yesuraja of Ekklesia Evangelical Fellowship, Taman Chi Liung, Klang. The theme for the event was Show Solidarity, Act Responsibly, and Bringing Hope to People Living with HIV (PLHIV).

The event started at 10am sharp with welcome remark and opening prayer by Rev Richard Thong of Grace Assembly Church. A Statement Walk was used as a test of knowledge among participants. Questions such as “Children with HIV/AIDS should not be allowed to go to school”, “All patients with HIV/AIDS should receive the same quality of care as any other patient”, and whether “Churches should segregate those who are HIV+ from the rest of the congregation” sparked some discussion. Eventhough some doubted the statements, there was a hopeful note prevailing over the discussion among the participants, setting off a good start of engagement for the event.

The Praise & Worship centered around the theme of caring for others with songs like “I want to care for others, like Jesus cares for me”.
A Biblical reflection was given by Pr Pax Tan, the former director of Malaysian CARE’s Prison, Drugs, and AIDS department. In his sharing he spoke about Matthew 25; “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat…”, and how the characteristics of the PLHIV group has ticked all boxes of poor and needy described in the Bible. Hence, he calls HIV ministry a Heavenly ministry and one that fulfills the mandate in Matthew 25; “The quickest lane to being rewarded in Heaven”.

The Bible is fundamental in all ministries, but knowledge is a powerful tool when it comes to caring for PLHIV. Pr Pax also shared some of his stories of test and trials while he was caring for clients with HIV. Finally, he also shared about the season and reminded us that Christmas is a time in which Christ came through a manger for all–the destitute and the forgotten.

There was also a Panel session during which Brother Arun, the Home Manager of Destiny Home Klang; Brother Leong Hap Choy, Director of Community Development Department of Malaysian CARE; and S (Malaysian CARE’s volunteer with HIV for many years), shared their experience of life journeying with HIV communities. Among the many things they shared was the illustrative descriptions of the initial struggles after a patient’s diagnosis. The psychological despair of these patients shared through the testimonies left the deepest impression on the audience.

Churches represent the hope which HIV patients would have otherwise long since lost in their lives. Hence, it is important that Christians equip themselves in responding to the needs of PLHIV. It is the hope of the panel that the society at large would one day progress from fear to understanding, and from understanding to mutual support for the community. The event team also mentioned that a pledge campaign is ongoing.

Before closing, participants were called to pledge their support towards HIV community with the following vows:
1. I pledge to pray for families and individuals living with HIV
2. I pledge to stop HIV stigma by learning accurate knowledge and sharing it to my friends and family.
3. I pledge to accept people living with HIV in my school, workplace, congregation and neighbourhood.
4. I support the statement “Children and students with HIV should be given equal opportunity to education”
5. I support the statement “Affordable medical treatment should be made available for people living with HIV/AIDS”
The pastors who were present commented after the event that they were moved by the session, and learnt so much more through attending the event. Some pastors also hope they can contribute more to care for HIV patients, starting from their own church.
The World AIDS Day event ended at 12pm sharp and was followed by lunch and fellowship.

Note: This report was written through the help of Malaysian CARE. All photos were kindly contributed by Malaysian CARE.
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