Our Healer

Ref: pinimg | https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/e8/64/12/e86412976bb2d42a3b3c498e290a99a0.jpg


Lord You are  My  Rock and Refuge.

You are  God descending from huge

Transparency and  Manifestations

 Angels flying over high mountains


Ref: wordpress


To announce Your Divine Arrival .

We are still in deep waters in science .

As sickness grasps people by  chance,

And medicine is physicians’  cure.


Ref: choice.com.au


O Jehovah , You are Our Great Healer!

Holy Spirit , teach us to be steadfast

In remembering  You all the time

Talk to us, we are empty  without You.


Ref: deseretnews.com


Lord , we glorify You with our worship.

Your Son Jesus is in us, we praise You

Father, for giving us Power to intercede.

As Jesus gave Holy Spirit to His disciples.


Ref: blogspot


Hallelujah! Your Word is Our service .

Father, thank You for sending Jesus.


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Annaz Gold

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