8 June 2013 by James Hoh CM-
Many young adults at his age are still at a cross-road in life but 23 year-old Victor Teh Hong Shen has found his destiny. His passion is not to climb the corporate ladder, nor to explore the remotest corners of the Earth. There is a fire burning in his heart – to serve the children ministry.

He felt there is a crying need for church leaders, pastors and missionaries to put more attention to children ministry as in some cases, it was just babysitting.

“I desire to see more young-adults paying attention to children because children grow up to be teenagers very fast and they need to build the right characters and learn the right values.
“If we don’t see the big picture and just babysit children in the church as in some cases, I don’t know if the church will have a future.”
“That’s my concern,” said Victor. He was leading a team of young teachers who ran the Children Institute (CI) programme simultaneously with the Basic Life Principles Seminar for three days at the New Life Community Church in Subang Jaya recently.

It was his third year leading a team of teachers from the United States, New Zealand, Singapore and Malaysia on such programmes offered by US based Institute of Basic Learning.

“I feel that the teaching of values is seriously lacking in our schools. At Children Institute, they learn Biblical character qualities and that’s where we tie it in with the Gospel. This is our main objective,” said Victor.
“Today we taught the children principles of suffering by putting up a few drama scenes. When these children, who are six to 12 years old, understand these principles, they are less likely to be confused when they grow up and face the world. In fact, they are prepared to face the world.

“Suffering builds character as they remember solid examples of Bible characters like Paul who suffered persecution and mockery to preach the Gospel. It made a big impression on me too when I was a kid!” Victor added.
Victor explained that to be a teacher, one needs to go through Basic Life Principles Seminar first. He said his parents had been taking him to these seminars since he was 15.
“On our teaching trips we train and rehearse a lot. We coach them how to teach children because the way we do it is very different from children’s church or Sunday school.
“We improvise skits creatively and play a lot of games. Some of these methods could be implemented for our own church too. It is easy when the church is small and new.

“I have learnt many teaching styles in Children Institute. A typical CI curriculum has many stories. Another unique feature of the CI programme is that our teachers are between the ages of 15 and 18, and who have gone through the Basic Life Principles Seminar.
“Teenage teachers are preferred rather than adult teachers because children tend to look up to and relate to them better.”
He explained that these teachers are like cell group leaders who supervise small groups while the older ones would put up skits and dramas for them.
“We encourage them to teach and help out because they need to be role models for those younger than them,” he added.
Victor and his team, as well as the other teachers are eager volunteers. They cover Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia (wherever there is a Basic Life Principles Seminar). The seminar in Subang Jaya was attended by some 70 children. The bigger seminars are held in Indonesia for about 120-150 children. Next week, Victor and the team will be in Singapore.
If you are interested to know more about character training for adult and children, please do not hesitate to contact Bro Thomas Teh Regional Directorfor for S.E.A by email: tteh@sg.iblp.org or visit website: www.iblp.org
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