22 September 2014 by Rev Dr Jai Kumar –
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. (Rom.8:28)
As a believer we face trials and sometimes things can be painful and disappointing. But as long as we are faithful to the Lord He will work it out for our good.
Life is a journey and in a journey there is a process that we need to go through before we can reach our destination. Often a lack of wisdom and understanding and a concretised mentality will lead us into great confusion and hurts in ministry. God works in ways that are so different and far deeper than from the way we have often been thinking and comprehending Him.
Isaiah 55:8
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD.
A valley experience is an absolute requirement in ministry before you can go to the mountain top. There can be no compromise in this area. People who have tried a shortcut have paid a heavy price in the end.

But have you ever realized that no matter who we are, there is a weakness in humans. We always seek to reach the mountain top and we refuse the valley experience. The fact of the matter is that, by doing so we miss out on the most significant things that God wants to teach us in our lives. We don’t want the pain but we want the gain. But in God’s purposes and plan He requires us to go through the crushing and the breaking process before He can promote us to stand on the mountain top.
You know what? There will be no wine to make the heart glad unless the grape is crushed. There will be no bread to feed the hungry until the wheat is crushed and broken. There will be no oil to heal the sick unless the olive is crushed and broken.

Why does the crushing and the breaking takes place? The crushing and the breaking takes place so that you may grow to have greater wisdom and stronger character. God forms His character in the process so that in time to come you will be able to withstand the pressures of life in your future ministry. You will never go off balance when greater blessings are poured out into your life.
Ministry is so different from the corporate world. In the corporate world you can hire and fire people. In ministry it’s painful when people leave you. In ministry it’s a different relationship that you build and establish between people. People will stick to you like a glue in certain seasons especially when the need is desperate. They would prioritize all their time to be attached to you day and night. You start to do everything for them as though you are mentoring a child. You pray for them, you feed them, you deploy tremendous effort to change their mindset and built them up and finally put them on the right track.

Suddenly there comes a season when the atmosphere changes for them and they leave you. And if you have not gone through the crushing and the breaking process in the purposes of God you are going to be disappointed and you are going to view things in a negative way.
Certain people will leave your life at some point in time and when they do, let them go! Don’t try to talk them into staying. You need to understand something; your destiny is not tied up to those who walk away.
The scripture says: “They went out from us, but they did not really belong to us” (1 John 2:19)

Some people don’t belong to your boat. Some people don’t belong to your journey. Remember there is always a season in your life and ministry. People come and people go. You know what? When people don’t belong to your journey anymore, even a bucket of ‘super glue’ can’t make them stay!
(Ruth1:14 )…,,,,,,Then Orpah kissed her mother-in-law goodbye, but Ruth clung tightly to her.

Orpah leaving her mother-in-law didn’t make her a bad person. It just meant her part in the story was over. Therefore, we need to understand that when somebody is saying goodbye to you, you must recognize that their part in your story is over as well; otherwise you will keep trying to raise the dead.
(2 Samuel 12:16-17) David pleaded with God for his child’s life. He fasted and he prayed and spent nights lying on the ground. Despite all his desperate prayers and pleas God took his baby. Can you imagine that? But when his child died, David had to face the reality that he could do nothing more. So he got up washed himself, changed his clothes and he ate (2 Samuel 12:20-21) he had to move on!

Here is something we need to understand. When something is over and finished and you have tried every way possible to make it work. You have fasted, you have prayed, you have seeked God’s will and apparently nothing seemed to have worked, it has ended up in total failure. You need to accept God’s will in this matter. Listen! All you have to do is get up wash yourself, change your clothes start moving and living again!!
Never beg anyone to stay with you against their will. Please try to understand that when people have to leave you, it is not an accident! It is indeed in the plan and will of God. Your current circumstances will not determine your future. God has a greater plan for you. He has got something better in store for you in the future.

The problem is we refuse to see the reality. So often we refuse to let go of what we currently have in order to receive what God is waiting to give us. But God is saying unless you let it go I can never work with you and move you forward in my plan and purpose for your destiny to be fulfilled. So keep trusting God until it comes to pass. It’s all part of His plan.
Psalms 18:2 –
The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.
Note: Rev Dr Jai Kumar is an ordained & licensed minister of Covenant Ministries International N.J. USA. He is also the representative of Faith International Bible School for Malaysia & Singapore. He is the founder and senior pastor of Full Gospel Outreach Ministry KL, a member of ECCM, Spiritual Adviser & overseer of Capstone Ministries/Capstone Community Church -C3 (Bangalore); Co-founder and adviser of Kingdom Christian Fellowship, Subang Jaya, he is also the author of a book entitled, ‘God’s Time Clock.’
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