The Word This Week


26 August 2013 by Rev Dr Jai – 


 "The Lord…..set me…….in a large place." (Psalm 118:5 AMP)




Each of us thrives in a comfort zone and apparently most of our decisions pertaining to life are based on and controlled by this environment. If you want your future to be different, you need to start changing what you are doing right now. Replicating your past will not create a new future for you. 


David and Goliath


David had never fought a giant. He never raised an army. He never grew up in a house of royalty, yet he was Israel's greatest warrior and king. David was willing to stretch his faith beyond his circumstances  no matter how discouraging he saw the things around him. He was willing to leave his comfort zone to accomplish what he felt in his heart to do for God. As a result, God promoted him to the highest office in the greatest kingdom of his day because David's heart was in the right place for God. Accomplishing anything worthwhile for God means that you need to move out of your comfort zone.

But do you know what?

Seriously, it takes real faith, courage and vision to move out of this place! It is fearful, uneasy, and scary, sometimes even unbearable to venture into such a change. But the reality is that you need to examine your choices and decide what isn't working for you and change it! Isn't what you enjoy today is obviously a direct result of what you invested yesterday?




David said, "The Lord ….set me ….in a large place." 

When you fail to stretch your faith,  when you fail to say "The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want…" and when you fail to leave your comfort zone, you will fail to see your God’s given vision. You will fail to discover your true potential. Ultimately, you will fail to flow in the destiny and purpose that God have in your life.

Listen! Those who refuse to move out of the comfort zone, I am afraid you will never achieve anything for God. Unfortunately, the norm is not good enough for God! What does it profit you when you are not able to reach the destitute, the hurting and the lost?




Our accountability in the kingdom of God is changing lives. But sadly, your comfort zone ministry will never change lives. No matter how hard you try to preserve flowers without roots, they will ultimately die. It's only a mere religion that you will be fueling in this zone. It is a routined religion that is dead and selfish!


Disclaimer: The views or opinions expressed by the columnists are solely their own and do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of Christianity 


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