
19 May 2014 by Rev Dr Jai Kumar-


Eccl 3:1

To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven.

1 Chronicles 12:32

The men of Issachar….understood the seasons.


We need to understand that our God is a relevant God! Our God is a Living God! He moves and manifests relevantly in different time-frames and seasons. He is a God in season and out of season.

If God makes a promise and if you’re willing to hold fast to that promise —  believing it — God will surely bring it to pass. It doesn’t matter how long it takes. God will do what He said in His word.

What is it that dominates your thinking?  What we will ultimately become depends not on our present condition but on our decisions that are guided by the Holy Spirit.




King Solomon said there are seasons in our lives. (Eccl 3:1)  A time to be born and a time to die. A time to plant and a time to harvest….a time to weep and a time to laugh…….

You know what?  Unfortunately, many of us fail to recognize our seasons that God brings in our lives.  Thus we miss out on a lot of things that God wants to bring about in our lives (blessings, miracles, favor, breakthroughs etc)




The men of Issacher were considered wise because they understood the seasons.

(1 Chronicles 12:32) Seasons are “growth opportunities”that keeps you progressing towards the ultimate fulfillment of God’s plan and purpose for your life.

You need to understand, God wants to move you from one level to another in order to fulfill His destiny in your life. But you know what? You cannot come into that season unless you go through the things that God has already set for you to go through. As we go through life we grow through life. This is what you call ” A process of transformation.”






A seed is transformed into a plant, then it is transformed into a tree and a tree in turn produces fruits. Likewise, a sinner is transformed into a saint. So is an idea that is transformed into a reality. Everything has to go through a process of transformation.



 Your going through will teach you a lot of lessons.  It will enable you to eat your meals without burning your fingers. It’s a tough experience nevertheless with pain and hurts, trials and disappointments. In God’s economy you need to go through the valley experience before reaching the mountain top. So that when the blessing comes finally into your life, you will be able to contain it and not go off balance, but be able to stay within the purpose of God!




Moses went through a season in the wilderness for 40 long years. Many of us may ask why was he put on hold for 40 years? Wasn’t he in the purpose of a God?  Why the delay then? That period was a season of preparation for him in the purposes of God. It is vitally important for us to understand that the wilderness is an important place of GOD’S PREPARATION for ourselves if we are to move forward with God. God often leads us into the wilderness to do the “stripping process”; it’s a place of crushing and breaking, and in the process, God works out His character in us.

Any significant ministry that God has called you to undertake has to go through the preparation process.



The most sorrowful state in the life of a person are those stubborn group of people who are unwilling to move and flow in the seasons of God. And the greatest hindrance to their set-back is their fixed thought pattern of old attitudes. Sadly, many of them don’t have the spiritual rudder to catch the vision that God  places in them at some point in their lives.




1 Corinthians 2:11

 ..these things God has revealed to us through the Spirit. For the Spirit searches everything, even the depths of God.


When you lack the born- again spirit, you are unable to connect to the things of God, and ultimately you are unable to flow into the seasons that God wants to bring into your life.




You know what? The greatest tragedy in life is growing old, and suddenly …discovering that somewhere along the line …. at some point…you lost yourself and missed out on God’s destiny for  your life!!

After all what good is success if you have wandered away from your God-ordained assignment?



 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;


In this hour that we are living we don’t need information; we need revelation through the infilling of the Holy Spirit. And this is the most vital element that is missing in many Christians today. The very mark and significance of a move of God is missed out in our lives because of a lack of spiritual discernment.

The poorest man on earth is not the man without money but the one who places a wrong value on the God-ordained seasons in your life!




Time is an unusual commodity which is fortunately available to both the rich and the poor. Unfortunately, it cannot be frozen, cannot be carried forward, cannot be recaptured! No man has the power to arrest the course of time nor to reverse it.

The greatest currency in our world is not the American dollar or the British pound! It is the currency of time.  When God gives you a season of financial harvest, He often gives us the “seed of time” with which we can produce our own harvest. Time is a precious resource given to you to trade with on earth.




Pressure and stress are unduly created when people do not know how to manage and value time. Disappointments and regrets come when people fail to recognise and grasp the special seasons God brings into their lives.  The anointing to discern the seasons of God in your life is sometimes masked by our human thinking, human clever idea. The bottom line at the end of the day is that which spirit dominates your life? Some people wait and expect things to happen in their lives. They don’t seize the opportunity and they don’t realize that opportunity multiplies when they are seized.

Therefore you can absolutely say time is a great gift of God to mankind. What you do and how you manage your time determines the summary of your life at the end of the day. If you lose control of your time, you lose control of your life!




I hear people often saying” I am unable to complete my project because I have no time.”  I am afraid that excuse is not justifiable. You have all the time that is available to you but the problem with most of us is the “poor management of time! “.

You know what? Life is not valued by the length of time you have lived but life is measured by the way you have deployed the time that was available to you. Even a short life is long when it is wisely spent. When you fail to manage time you will end up a bankrupt life! God wants to take you to new levels and therefore you got to navigate your life in line with Gods purpose and vision.


Jeremiah 29:11

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.



Listen! It won’t happen automatically. You need to rise up and move and catch the vision!


The Bible says in Proverbs 29:18, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.”


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