30 Oct 2013 by Natasha Kim CM-
Pastor David Suresh from Shalom International Ministries recently shared at a recent Full Gospel Businessman meeting at Summit. He moves in prophetic ministry and is the author of a recently published book called, “Revelations of the Great Gospel.” Right before he began, David urged everyone to listen carefully for it would be their prophetic Word. “God is eager to speak to you and me but do we have an open ear to hear? Our God is living, He is active, He is alive and speaking to us!” he shared.

There are many trials and tribulations in life, and many times that our flesh will tell us that it is impossible to overcome but the power of the Holy Spirit is there to help us out. It is our stronghold in times of need. “Whatever you are going through, I assure you with my own personal testimonies that the Lord will fight your battle and give you victory. Victory comes from the Lord, not from man. Yes we have might, strength ability, and power but the Lord decides and determines everything. The enemy has been tormenting you for so long but the Lord is saying, 'Back off devil.' The time has come for you to enter into His victory,” said David.
“So he said to me, “This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: ‘Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the Lord Almighty.” (Zechariah 4:6)

When David Suresh was born, he was weak and at risk of dying. He was a pre-mature child and was put into an incubator. “Doctors had given up hope and set two weeks for my survival,” he shared. The doctors told his parents, “Pray to your God.” His skin turned blue-black during that time but miraculously he was suddenly headed for speedy recovery within days. “Recently, I asked God what is the purpose for my being. I’ve gone through trials and testing. 'Am I really called by you? Am I prospering in your call?'” said David. He questioned God because he was being severely attacked by the enemy. The Lord said to David, “I found you in an incubator.” This meant that though David was supposed to die, the Lord saved him because He had a plan for him! Now he faithfully serves the Lord without question.
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” (Jeremiah 1:5)
David shared that he knows one thing for sure, that the Lord will only allow the enemy to come in to a certain extent. But when it comes to the time, He will stop the enemy! He experienced this when he was in the process of writing his recent book, he faced a lot of setbacks but as he persevered with the strength of the Lord, everything fell into place at the end. Anything that you do for the Lord, God will honour it. If your motive is fame, it will never come into reality; however, if it is for the souls in the dark world, God will honour it because your motive is to bring souls into salvation.
“But Jesus spoke to them at once. "Don't be afraid," he said. "Take courage. I am here!" (Matthew 14:27)
“God is the creator, the devil is the creation. God is greater than the creation!” he said. When you begin to follow God you will experience Him more and more in your life. That is when faith will rise within you and form your confidence in the Lord. This personal encounter with Him will lead you into miracles! “The secret is the personal relationship with God. Don’t try to do anything without the fellowship and the relationship with God,” he said. Attacks will come and hindrances will come but the Lord will be with you to overcome.
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)
“He never said that you 'may' or 'might' have trouble. He said that you will have trouble! But the good news is troubles cannot be bigger than God. He never hides anything from us and was very clear about this in His revelation… so until the last breath of our life we will have trouble and that is the truth of God’s Word,” said David.
There are many false teachings in the marketplace that are soothing to your ears, that tells of no troubles but God does not deceive. He will bring down counterfeit teachings. Will we be free from persecution because Jesus won the victory on the cross? The answer is no, He wants us to apply the victory in our lives so that we can see miracles but we do know that in this world there is evil and wickedness so we will still face trouble while we are on earth.
The everyday news that we read shows us that we are not living in the free world and there are some that will die as martyrs for the Lord as mentioned in the book of revelations. The Christian walk isn’t an easy one, and it isn’t one to take lightly for anything can happen to us at any time.
Time is in God’s Hand
David shared that a pastor friend of his recently passed away when he fell off the roof. “…the testimony and the legacy that he left behind was powerful” he shared. During the man’s funeral, his whole family celebrated his death and his crossover to Heaven. The presence of God overwhelmed the place that day. “He served the Lord and he went to many nations to save souls yet that tragedy happened. I went to the hospital and I prayed for him and God released a prophetic Word for the pastor’s family. They next day I heard the news that he passed away. “God could have saved him and his family was waiting for a physical resurrection but he was spiritually resurrected. The confidence is that he is with the Lord forever and ever. The real home is up in Heaven” shared David.
We are only pilgrims on this earth that are passing by. “If you happen to face death today praise God, you will be with Jesus forever and forever. Your pain and sadness is gone. Death is gone. I’m not saying to seek for it but just be aware and pray for a good life” he said. God wants us all to have a good and long life just like Abraham, Jacob and Issac in the Bible so that we can be a blessing to the kingdom of Heaven. “Save souls. Save people. Invest in the kingdom of God and do it now while you can.
If the Holy Spirit is speaking to you to do something do it quickly because time is running out” said David. With that David came to a close and shared that while he was praying for the people in Ipoh, he received a vision that Jesus is coming soon and he saw that He was already on a horse and that He was surrounded by His angels. Anything can happen at any time, so as long as we can do something for the Lord, let us do it for His glory! Each one of us has been blessed with gifting’s to use for the Lord. Let us strive for His kingdom.
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Hello! I’ve been following your site for soime time now
and finally gott the bravery to go ahead and give you a shout out from Austin Texas!
Just wanted to meention keep up the great job!
Thank you Alena. God bless you mightily for His Glory!