What moved me to want to go to Cambodia – Cheryl Loo

Cheryl Loo
Cheryl Loo


It was during a leader’s event at church, three years ago, where the desire and burden to go into Cambodia was birthed. I was shaken on the inside as He said, “Go to Cambodia.”

When an opportunity to go on a mission trip to Phnom Penh arose the following year, I excitedly jumped at it! During that five-day trip, I fell in love with the people and the country. Unsure when, I knew that I would one day return for missions and serve this beautiful nation.

Returning from the trip, with my heart stirred, I continually prayed about going into Cambodia. One day, while seeking His face, I saw a picture of a boat, with it’s sails down, docked at the side of a beach with Jesus standing beside it. He was watching me while I busily admired the flowers on the beach. I felt Him say that it was not time to “go” and launch out yet. I told God, if I were ever to see that boat with sails up and me getting into the boat, I would then know, it would be “time to go”’.




The year passed and the busyness of work clamored in. I was occupied with thoughts on ways to advance myself in my line of work. However, God interrupted my train of plans, and in June 2015, began to speak about Cambodia more fervently and frequently. He was relentless. In August during an event called ‘ASCEND’, I saw myself in the boat with Jesus on sea with its sails up. I knew then, he was telling me it was “time to go”.

I thus, began “negotiating” with God and was anxious to take that huge step of radical faith. “How was I supposed to support myself?” I asked myself. Questions and common sense successfully suffused my mind. As the weeks grew to months, I felt a deep conviction to resign but had zero courage to do so. My job was my financial security and it took a truckload of faith to let that go!

I went for another mission trip into Phnom Penh, shortly after that in October 2015. This trip was the breaking point which gave me deeper certainty that it was indeed “time to go” into Cambodia. I was a crying wreck coming back from this trip. In the quiet place with Him, all I was compelled to say was “Yes God! Yes! Send me”. My heart was left behind in Cambodia and I achingly yearned to go back. 




Like Gideon who asked God for multiple confirmations if Israel would indeed, be saved through him (Judges 6:36-40), l asked God to reiterate in my heart, confirmation that I should resign from my job. After praying for a couple of weeks, I felt the peace and courage one Sunday to resign. I thus, handed in my resignation letter the following day.

Since then, I have been looking at different opportunities that I might be able to serve in Cambodia and have spoken to different mission organizations. I have however, decided to volunteer at my church in Phnom Penh now.


What I’ll be doing in Cambodia :

I will be helping out in church in areas where help is needed. With another friend, who will be going down to Cambodia as well, we plan to reach out to those in the provinces through side projects. Personally, my long- term goal would be to reach out to the children and families in the provinces.




Two years ago, a night before the first mission trip, I had a dream of the provinces. Standing among the lush and green paddy fields in the dream, I felt complete and utter peace. Going into a province, during a short trip to Phnom Penh earlier this year, I was reminded of my dream and felt that same blanketing peace envelop my heart. That day, I heard Him say through a small but distinctive voice, this was where He had called me to be.

Moments in the secret with Him, where He shows me multitudes of children desperately running to Him for the Living water (John 7:37) and Daily bread (John 6:35), remind me I am not losing my marbles and this is truly what He’s put in my heart. Therefore, I would not want to stop until I see the Gospel and Education being brought to the provinces.


The paddy fields of the provinces
The paddy fields of the provinces


I cannot wait to play a part in bringing Christ to those who do not know Him personally. I cannot wait to see how He may use me through my little ‘Yes’ to touch His precious Cambodia bride. I cannot wait to witness what God can and will do in Cambodia. 

What He’s revealed through this journey is that, we were made to carry more than small dreams. When He formed us in our mother’s womb, He fearfully and wonderfully made us in His image (Psalm 139: 14). He naturally, put His DNA and essence into our very beings. In that moment, great callings and capacity to believe in “boundless things” are weaved into our form.




So, dare to ask for the Nations and Cities. Dare to believe, He gives us the keys to the double lock gates (Isaiah 45: 1) and the keys to the kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 16:19). Dare to believe in that wild and crazy vision or dream He has breathed into your being, which is your purpose here on earth. We were not formed for mediocrity but for an extravagant purpose in Christ.


Whatever you have commanded us we will do, and wherever you send us we will go (Joshua 1:16)


Cheryl Loo

Cheryl Loo is a former vice ­principal for Kits4Kids Foundation specializing in Early Intervention for children with special needs. With a burden to bring Christ’s love and see the Cambodians grow to know the Lord personally, she has recently moved into the country for mission work. If you are interested to sow financially into her mission, details for banking are found below. For further insight as to what she would be doing in Cambodia or if you express an interest to stand with her in prayer and would love to receive frequent newsletters; contact her at jingni16@gmail.com (may bank acc no: 1123 6233 1003)


This is part of an initiative together 5022787582820352with Jason Lee who will be attending the 2016 Lausanne Younger Leaders Gathering (YLG2016) which will be held on 3­10 August 2016 in Jakarta, Indonesia. YLG2016 is a gathering of 1,000 younger leaders from over 160 countries who will connect, pray, and discern together God’s leading of their generation for His global mission. Jason Lee has had the opportunity to work with churches, orphanages and youths in Cambodia, Sri Lanka, India, Philippines, Thailand and East Malaysia. If you would like to find out more about YLG2016 or connect with Jason at jasonleecj@gmail.com.


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