WHAT IS GOD TELLING ALL OF US – A Message for the New Year

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1 Jan 2015 by Reverend Dr Jai Kumar –


Exodus 18:17-18

The thing you are doing is not good. You will surely wear out.


As we have stepped into a new year saddened by the tragic crash of Air Asia QZ8501 and the grief of so many family members who have lost their loved ones so suddenly, our hearts and prayers goes out for the grieving families.

Apparently we have witnessed quite a number of events throughout the past year. Two other Malaysian airlines have also been lost fully loaded with passengers.

These events and others in the Middle East and Ukraine have brought great misery, disappointments, heartbreaking griefs, and pain which I would describe as unthinkable and unimaginable, not only in our country but across the entire world.


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There seems to be so much of fear and uncertainty hanging over many people today. Many people’s faith will be challenged right now.  Many questions would be asked. Do we have the build-up to address their questions?  Certainly we don’t have it and we don’t know! But what we do know is that our God is a compassionate, merciful and gracious loving God. Not a punishing God as some may think He is!  (John 3:16). We are under grace therefore we are sustained by the unmerited favour of God. And the only hope and surety that you and I have whether living or dying, is our salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ; that we will see Him on the other side of eternity when time is no more for us in this world.

But in the midst of all these events that are happening, have we ever figured out what is God telling us today? We realize that we are in a vivid journey and this journey is not going to be a smooth one. We have to face many trials, many challenges that can tear us apart. Unless we abide in the Lord and find strength in Him during these trying times we will not be sustainable and will not be able to pull through.


Ref : riverbankoftruth


If you seriously do a post-mortem on the things that you have been chasing after and trying to accomplish throughout the past year, you will unfortunately discover that a lot of it wasn’t actually in God’s agenda. It’s not what God wanted you to do.  The fruits that you expected to see through all your self-effort and labour is not there for you to harvest. As a result you feel exhausted and depleted with no satisfaction at the end of the day. Now you suddenly realize that God actually never asked you to take on the things that you have taken on. It was not in His purpose! It was not in His plan! It was not in His agenda at all!



You know what? When God shows you His purpose for your life, He will also sustain you with His power and provision to carry it out. Unfortunately this is the most significant thing that a lot God’s people miss out so often in their lives. If it is in His will and purpose you don’t have to struggle and chase after things desperately. You can cast it upon Him and just sail through smoothly.  


1 Peter 5:7

 “Cast your cares upon Him for He cares for you.”


You will feel that you are led and not driven! You will never feel that there is just not enough for you to go around!


Ref : theanvilreview


Are you so unconsciously caught up in the “peer pressure” of this world’s system and mesmerized by your desperate need for survival that you forget that God is in control of everything? What is the image that you are ultimately trying to build in God’s Kingdom? On the one hand, your belief-system! Your faith and trust in God! Has been challenged by the economics of time and the unjustified events and pressures of this world. On the other hand, the enemy is inflicting and afflicting you left, right, and center. Have you ever felt your defence system is so weak that you end up defeated more often than not?


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You know what? Moses, when he took up the task of delivering the people of God out of Egypt, he was trying to load himself with so much of work over his head that he almost forgot himself that he was in the business of God. It took a black man, Jethro, his father-in-law, who was not as educated as Moses to teach him the “principle of delegation”. He asked Moses, “What is this that you are doing? Where are you heading?”. No matter what excuses Moses was giving, Jethro was never impressed after all. Instead he said, “The thing you are doing is not good for you! You will surely wear out.” In other words, Jethro told Moses it’s impossible for you to handle this major task all by yourself, you need to learn the principle of delegation in order to accomplish the mandate of God!


Ref : righteousnessislove


Who are we in Christ and who is Christ in you? That’s the crucial question that we need to ask our hearts as we approach the end of this year. Are we listening to the voice of God or are we listening to the voice of our own selfish mind? The question is: Who are we trying to impress in the end? Have you really and sincerely examined your “call” in the body of Christ?  Each of us has a specific call in our life.  We need to be sensitive to this call and stand in line. Not everyone is called to preach!  Not everyone is called to teach! You know what? The anointing (the supernatural gift) to function is given to you, only when you are standing in the right place that God has called you to stand. Otherwise I am afraid you are merely chasing the wind. You want to make an impact for God, you stand in God’s calling, not your calling! 


Ref : wordpress


No wonder I see many men of God fail in ministry today because they are unable to accept the direction of God. I see them struggling with frustration in different areas trying to make a living instead of functioning effectively in the body of Christ.

Can I tell you something this evening!!  It’s not what you want! It’s not what you like! It’s not your ambition!! IT’S WHAT GOD WANTS YOU TO DO IN HIS BUSINESS!! DON’T FORGET THE REALITY IS YOU HAVE TO FACE HIM IN THE END!!


Reverend Jai

Note: Rev Dr Jai Kumar is an ordained & licensed minister of Covenant Ministries International N.J. USA. He is also the representative of Faith International Bible School for Malaysia & Singapore. He is the founder and senior pastor of Full Gospel Outreach Ministry KL. A member of ECCM (Malaysia)  Spiritual Adviser & overseer to various ministries and churches. An itinerant speaker with a passion for missions.  He is also the author of a book entitled, ‘God’s Time Clock.’


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