25 Feb 2013 by Adeline Lum CM –
Close to 2000 people filled the seats of Grace Convention Center for the long-awaited Michael W Smith first concert in Malaysia! The atmosphere was electrifying as the crowd was excited to finally meet the singer behind their favorite songs.
“The hardest thing to do for this concert was picking the song because there are 190 songs!” said Michael. “It’s hard because some of you come here… thinking that he’s going to sing my song.”
The crowd laughed. Indeed, his pick of songs were perfect spanning across different times of his singing career including:
- When I think of you
- Draw Me Close to You
- Deep in Love with You
- Friends are Friends Forever
- Mighty to Save
- Here I am to Worship
- Breathe
- Above All
- Majesty
- Grace
- Healing Rain
- Let it Rain
- Holy Holy
- Alleluia
Heartfelt and spirit-filled, the audience worshipped God led by Michael and his music team with abandonment. Some lifted their hands and stood up, while other’s held their phones and cameras up to snap pictures.
Young and old come together before ONE God to worship. What a pleasing sight to God!
At one corner, an elderly man with his folded wheelchair beside him worshipped God while closing his eyes. In another song, young adults also lifted their voices to sing along with Michael. Evidently, his songs appealed to and crossed boundaries of different age groups!
The concert lasted for about one and a half hour before Michael closed in sharing about how God loves us based on His grace and not by our own works.
“Thank you for having me here in Malaysia. I promise that I will pray for you and I will never forget you,” said Michael.
Touché Michael! The audience will not forget your memorable performance as well. May He bless your ministry in sharing your voice to touch the hearts of many people.
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Hi CM, the last song was Alleluia (or Hallelujah). Cheers and keep up the good wok! God bless!
Thank you, I will make the changes. -Adeline CM-