The Gates of Hell shall not prevail against Believers in Christ! – Rev Philip Mantofa

Rev Philip Mantofa getting ready to break the bondage of the devil, represented by breaking a chain onstage
Rev Philip Mantofa getting ready to break the bondage of the devil, represented by breaking a chain onstage

16 April 2015 by Adeline Lum CM-


“God is not evil; He is good. God is not hatred; He is love. Nonetheless, God is just. And because he is a Holy God, He cannot let every sin go unpunished. Jesus died such a horrible death on the cross for you and me because there is eternal death. 

“He died in our place because there is eternal punishment for us, sinners. He loves us when He came up to the cross for us. And Jesus is the same today, yesterday, and forevermore. (Heb 13:8) He still loves you,” said Rev Philip.

On 11th of April, Rev Philip Mantofa of Mawar Sharon Church, Indonesia, shared about his trip to hell in the overflowing Putra Stadium Bukit Jalil of 13,337 people, organized by MforJ and FGA.


The overflowing Putra Stadium Bukit Jalil with 13,337 people gathering to hear the Word from God
The overflowing Putra Stadium Bukit Jalil with 13,337 people gathering to hear the Word from God


If you have gone to Hell and come back, what would you do? Fifteen years ago, God brought Rev Philip’s spirit to Hell to see the eternal death that the Bible talks about. 

“God took me there not for my sins, for my sins have been washed away by the Blood of Jesus. I have been a saved soul for 23 years today. I am the child of God. And I have been born again as the child of Jesus. 

“God took me to Hell not for my sake but for your sake, so that I can live to tell you, so that I can warn you. God must have heard the cry of the rich man. When he was in hell, he cried out to the Almighty,” said Rev Philip.


The worshipers of FGA CYC onstage, leading the people to worship the LORD
The worshipers of FGA CYC onstage, leading the people to worship the LORD


Rev Philip was referring to the parable of the rich man and Lazarus, a poor beggar. Both died. The rich man suffered in torment in Hades, while Lazarus was comforted in Heaven with Abraham. Separated by a great chasm, the rich man saw and begged Abraham to send Lazarus to warn his brothers who are still alive. But he was rejected in the parable. (Luke 16:19-31)

“If I went to Hell to see what happened, it must have been the mercy of God for sinners to repent and return to Him. The Gates of Hell cannot prevail against believers, but they can for those who do not believe and profess Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour,” said Rev Philip.

The first part of Hell is the Gates. The second part is Hades. And the third part is the Lake of Fire.


The young people who came to listen to Philip Mantofa's Trip to Hell
The young people who came to listen to Philip Mantofa’s Trip to Hell


In Hades, the devil is still roaming freely in torturing people. Those poor perishing souls belong to him because Satan is the master of sinners, while Jesus is the master of those who are saved.

The devil is defeated but his doom is not here yet. When Jesus met a man possessed by a group of demons called Legion, the demons begged Jesus to not torture them before their time. As a result, they were sent to the pigs, which perished from drowning. (Matt 8:28-34)

“The devil knows that his time has not come, and he still works today. If you don’t do God’s Will, you follow the devil, not God. If you’re worshiping God’s creation, you’re not worshiping the Creator, you’re worshiping demons and committing idolatry,” said Rev Philip.


The people worshiping Jesus Christ
The people worshiping Jesus Christ


The final part is the Lake of Fire, which has no souls or spirits thrown into the lake of fire yet, because we are waiting for Jesus to come back for the second time and set up his throne to judge the living and the dead.

“If the devil reminds you of your past, you remind him of his future in the Lake of Fire. Because he knows that he cannot get away from the Lake, he wants to get as many people as he can.

“He is blinding the light, so that people cannot see the gospel of Jesus Christ. To some people, he has successfully convince them that Jesus is a white man religion, that Jesus is a fairy tale figure, and that all religions are the same, which lead to Heaven,” said Rev Philip. 


The spectacular light show at the beginning of the Trip to Hell event
The spectacular light show at the beginning of the Trip to Hell event


But Rev Philip said that only Jesus is the way to the Father. Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6) If anyone is not found in the Book of Life, he is thrown into the Lake of Fire. Jesus loves you. Has your name been written in the Book of Life?

“Although I cannot see you, but God can see you one by one. He knows you more than you know yourself. He knows the number of your hair. He sees your heart. And He has set Jesus to die for you.

“Will you accept this offering? Jesus has already risen. He is right here, right now. Although you can see the preacher and translator, it is Jesus talking to you. Some people feel that I am directly talking to you tonight. You need to get saved now,” said Rev Philip.


Pastor Philip Mantofa sharing his message
Pastor Philip Mantofa sharing his message


Rev Philip shared how Jesus woke him up on 1st of January of year 2000. He shared his journey to Hell, through the Gates and into Hades where he saw hundreds of accounts of how each soul was tortured. He shared three different accounts – a beautiful woman who committed adultery, a man who is a habitual masturbator, and a son and a father who hated each other.

When Rev Philip saw the torture for the first time, he cried and begged Jesus to get him out of the place. But no matter how he shouted, the demons could not hear him. He asked God, “Why did you allow these demons to torture them?”

“Jesus said to me, ‘It is not my choice. It is their choice. Who do you serve? You cannot serve two masters, if you serve one, you will hate the other. (Matt 6:24) I was on their door knocking throughout their lives but they never opened the door. (Rev 3:20) For a man, to live Is once, and then judgment.’ (Heb 9:27) There is no incarnation,” said Rev Philip.


The people coming to repentance before the LORD
The people coming to repentance before the LORD


The second account he shared was a habitual male masturbator. When the demons shouted, “Masturbate! Masturbate! Masturbate! I dare you to masturbate since you like it so much!” earthly worms burst out from his genitals and consumed him alive. The worms and the man could never die. 

“This man was crying to the emptiness. Jesus was crying behind me. I remembered the shortest verse in the Bible, ‘Jesus wept.’ (John 11:35) He takes no pleasure in the death of sinners and punishments.

“Jesus took the punishment of our sins on His body. But He will never force you to be saved. Bear with me… After this vision, for nine months, I have experienced headaches and vomited very frequently. I was very distressed. My message is done soon. You listen carefully,” said Rev Philip.


A man lifting his hands to praise the LORD
A man lifting his hands to praise the LORD


The third account involved a father and a son being forced by thousands of demons to cannibalize each other because they hated each other. The Bible said that if you hate your brother, you have committed murder. 

“This father and son were united in eternal damnation. And the sin of hatred was celebrated that way. Hatred heightened! And they begged for forgiveness. I said to Jesus, ‘No!’ 

“But He said, “If it breaks your heart, it shatters Mine. You have not died for them, I have. They chose their sins over me and not repentance while they are still alive.


A sister-in-Christ earnestly seeking God
A sister-in-Christ earnestly seeking God


“Enough! Your blood will be upon your head! I will be no longer responsible for you. You got to make your choice. You cannot stand neutral. You must take a side. Jesus or Satan? The Cross or the sin? The Kingdom of Heaven or the Spiritual Darkness over your life?” said Rev Philip.

When the people gathered in Jerusalem around Peter and the other disciples, Peter said, “Therefore let all Israel be assured of this: God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Messiah.” (Acts 2:36) 

When the people hear Peter’s message, they “were cut to the heart” and said, “Brothers, what shall we do?” And Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off—for all whom the Lord our God will call.” (Acts 2:36-39)


Everyone praying to the LORD, from heart to Heart
Everyone praying to the LORD, from heart to Heart


“Let me give you my last attempt. I beg you. Whatever religion you are from, no matter what your sins are, where you are in your life, I beg you for your sake! I don’t want anything from you except for your soul.

“I have never knelt before anybody. Even when I have not eaten, I will not kneel for food or money. But for your soul, that is another story. In order for my Jesus to not weep like that, I will do anything.

“I beg you, for your sake, be baptized! Christ will not only forgive you. But He will give you the gift of the Holy Spirit,” said Rev Philip, kneeling before the masses. 


Rev Philip Mantofa kneeling onstage
Rev Philip Mantofa kneeling onstage


The atmosphere was saturated and heavy with God’s presence, as the message of God’s Love pierced through and softened hardened hearts. When Rev Philip called for the altar call, like a flowing river from the mountains, the people flowed down into the arena packing the crowd. They stood before a human barrier and at the cue of Rev Philip breaking the chain of the devil as a symbol, the human barrier broke releasing an outpouring of crowd rushing forward and kneeling before Jesus!



In Acts, about 3000 people accepted Peter’s message. (Acts 2:41) And on this day, 1285 people accepted Christ and 351 people want to be water-baptized, amongst over 5500 people who responded to the altar call. Many also received the gift of tongues on that very night. 


They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them. (Acts 2:3-4) 


“For He touched me. Yes! He touched me! And oh that joy that floods my soul. Something happened and now I know. He touched me and made me whole,” sang Rev Philip of “He Touched Me” by Elvis Presley.


The LORD Jesus Christ touching the hearts of many
The LORD Jesus Christ touching the hearts of many


The Gates of Hell shall not prevail against believers in Christ!



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