“I have never heard of a personality test tool that is biblical-based. So, when I heard about it, I find it interesting. Besides that, the test also goes beyond personality to include interest, whereby even interest is counted as the deciding factor to career,” said Terence Jiam, Master Trainer of Career Direct (CD), in explaining the reason he was drawn to this test.
Career Direct is a personality test developed by Crown Financial Ministry – a Christian organization based in the United States – which looks into one’s values, talents, interests, and skills, in recommending suitable careers according to God’s design.
Understanding how graduating students must have felt, Terence was confused as well when he found that none of his interests were similar to his peers. But today, he found his passion is to be a trainer, as confirmed in his personality profile.

Tan Yoke Tee, representative of Crown Financial Ministries in Malaysia, first saw the impact of Career Direct when he ministered to a young man who was torn between quitting his job and fulfilling his parents’ wishes. Although the pay was good and he had the degree and skills, he was not used to the authoritative position required in commanding his workers. But after he did Career Direct, his parents began to realize that the job was unsuitable for him according to the results. They finally accepted his son’s decision to quit, resulting in family reconciliation.
“Because I saw the healing myself, I believe in Career Direct. I saw that I was on the right track in bringing Career Direct to Malaysia, using my skill sets and also my pioneering personality that thrives on risk-taking. I see these as God’s given strength for me,” said Yoke Tee who aspired to train a total of 300 to 500 active Career Direct consultants by next year, having seen the impact of this test on many individuals.

“The trend is that the needs to know God’s design are very great out there. Every time we meet people, they would want to do it immediately. But it also depends on the consultant. And the basic criteria of a consultant is that he or she must have love and compassion for people,” he added.
Terence agreed by saying, “As a consultant for Career Direct, you cannot do this if you do not invite God to be your partners. The understanding is that I am trained as a consultant and I am ready to serve. We work the process but we need to trust God for the results.”

Terence recalled how a school teacher called him to counsel a girl who would habitually run away from home. While the girl refused counselling, she agreed to do a personality test. Fixing an appointment with the girl and her mother, the girl began to cry when Terence revealed that the Career Direct results showed that she should be a director. Her mother had been pushing her to be a kindergarten teacher to shield her from the seeming dark entertainment world. Today, both mother and daughter have reconciled. She had also enrolled in the college of broadcasting and drama, with the support of her mother.

Indeed, the process of counselling typically takes weeks. But with Career Direct, it cuts short the guessing work over an automatically generated detailed report, following 596 questions that takes about an hour to complete.
“Imagine having the right personality to do the right job, you will finish it very fast and you will look forward to do the work. If you have the right skills, that will enhance what you already have,” said Yoke Tee.

Ernesto and Imelda Kasuga, administrators of a school in Baguio, Philippines, found Career Direct to be a great tool in preparing their teenage school children for university. Imelda said, “This test came at the right moment because we were looking for a personality test that is certified and structured. We find this test to be not limited, yet it is not overloaded. It’s efficient, practical, and there’s lots of potential in using it.”
Over USD$2 million dollars and 20 years of research had been invested in the Career Direct development. Developed by Christian top professionals in collegiate, mathematics, and psychological field, Career Direct has over 70 pages of the Research and Development manual to verify its accuracy and credibility.
“It’s amazing that the results are so much close to who I am. It even discovers some of my unknown personality area. I cannot say it is 100 percent accurate but it is at least 90 percent accurate.
“Now that I realized some of my weaknesses, I will work on the strengths that God has given me. I used to have many jobs that I am interested in and I cannot focus on one. But now, I know exactly where to go,” said Evon Chai, who took the Career Direct before.

Abel Tan who also took the Career Direct before, added, “I have a keen interest in understanding people and how I can better communicate with different groups of people.
“So, this test really broadens my perception of who I am. One new insight I got is how I can operate as a generalist, while most tests would box me under one category. But in this test, I realized I am the middleman, which helps me understand both polar opposites of personality with ease.”
Abel Tan has also recently completed his training as a Career Direct consultant. Through this test, he realized that his passion is to specifically coach young people in their personal development and growth.

Besides graduating students, Career Direct is also for everyone who wants to explore the right career for themselves according to God’s design. Terence Jiam explained, “We also want to uncover the faulty foundations people are building their careers and comparatively reveal the true foundation on which decisions should be made, which is God Himself.”
Finally, if all of us are designed for a purpose, what is your’s? All of us go around asking God what His Calling is for us but we do not realize that the answer is already embedded in your personality, skills, interests, and values. The answer actually lies in you!

If you are interested to find out more about Career Direct (CD), please contact Tan Yoke Tee at tanyoketee@gmail.com and +603-7731-8044. You can also visit their facebook here, at Crown Asia.
You can sign up for the next seminar here: https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form?EQBCT=ee913f122d464c17bb6caf1dfc565349
Note: Crown Financial Ministries or CROWN is a nondenominational Christian organization that was formed in 2000 by a merger of Larry Burkett’s Christian Financial Concepts and Howard Dayton’s Crown Ministries, which was founded respectively on 1976 and 1985.
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Written by Adeline Lum
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