Faithful Friend Forever

November 29, 2015 Annaz Gold 0

Like   As Anna entered the hall she felt A gust of wind blowing towards her. She thought she saw someone enter. She was amazed and felt strange.     She imagined Jesus was next […]

God’s Child

October 20, 2015 Annaz Gold 0

Like   My heart longs for You my living God. I feel Your Prescence , my loving Lord. The early rains bring along blessings. The harvests hover over all tidings!     My strength is […]


September 27, 2015 Annaz Gold 0

Like   Father God,  You utter Every word  in our ears As  we  are  the clay,   And You are the Potter!     Father , You raised Your Son Jesus,  crowned Him King, Giving us […]

One God

September 11, 2015 Annaz Gold 0

Like   God You are the King of Kings. None shall rebuke Your Links. Unseen but Your Voice heard, We are but part of Your Herd.     Father, in Your Mighty Tower Of Heaven’s […]

Help Me God

September 5, 2015 Annaz Gold 1

Like   Whatever I am today, Lord Is destined by You, O God Father You are so Plentiful, With the world, Your Handful! Great is Your Graciousness Written in Your Righteousness.       You are my […]

You Are My Eyes

August 15, 2015 Annaz Gold 0

Like   Father, move me to Eternity With Thy Light on me in serinity. You saved me from blindness. How can I forget Your Holiness! What more testimony do I need To show this wide […]

Glorious God

July 25, 2015 Annaz Gold 1

Like   O Father, You are so magnificent The skies are Your court imminent From below the earth, I’m gazing At Your supremacy, Ah! So amazing!     Your Holy Son, You sent us With […]

Ref: catherinecouturier

Our Jealous God

April 11, 2015 Jason Law 0

Like 11 April 2015 by Esperanza Ng CM-    She slumped against the wall with her knees drawn up and tears flowing freely down her cheeks. With no one to confide in, she closed her […]

Let it Go, My Love

June 8, 2013 cm-admin 1

Like 8 June 2013 by Melisa Chong-   "Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? […]

Let it Go by Melisa Chong

March 11, 2013 cm-admin 1

Like 1 March 2013 by Melisa Chong –    Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive […]

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