Silver and Gold Could Not Redeem Our Souls


15th Nov 2012. By Panir Selvam Rajamany  – 

A Poem.

Silver and gold could not redeem our souls

Else God would have given everything he owned

Nor could the blood of bulls and rams suffice

Else the cattle on a thousand hills he would have sacrificed




God made Adam and Eve to walk with him in Eden

Alas they chose to eat the fruit He had forbidden

The sin of man was to fall short of God’s mark

They continued in sin, even after the Ark


God gave to them prophets, priests and the law

They rejected Him, of a king they were in awe

The law could not save, it made them know guilt


They chose to worship idols, on altars they had built

Jesus came to demonstrate God’s amazing grace

There was no other way, to save the human race

Because the law needed a sinless sacrifice


Only the holy Lamb could pay the price

It was painful, it was unbearable

It was love that made Him able

To be tortured, mocked and crucified on that cruel tree


For He knew only His death could set man free

All we like sheep we have gone astray

All our iniquities on Him were laid

The Father forsook His only begotten Son

As he hung on the cross in the mid-day sun



He went to hell in our place

And rose victorious from the grave

Defeating disease, death and satan

So that we can again have dominion


He lives forever to make intercession

As we journey from earth to our homes in heaven

Let us not get caught up with the things we see


For only what’s done for Christ will be for eternity

Silver and gold could not redeem our souls

We were bought by His blood, more precious than gold

So let us offer up our lives in joyful sacrifice

For He gave us His all when He gave us Christ



Brother Panir Selvam’s email contact :



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