Monday the 26th of August 2002 started out as a seemingly ordinary day for Pastor Dr. Philip Lyn and his family. There was nothing notable about that date except that it was the day before his daughter Sarah’s 4th birthday. As he left for work that morning, little did he know that he would later receive a phone call that afternoon telling him that Sarah was on the verge of death.
His daughter had been playing outside near a clothesline and had accidently strangled herself. About six precious minutes ticked by before Sarah was discovered hanging lifelessly from the clothesline. By then her body was cold and there was no pulse to be found. As they rushed her to the hospital, they weren’t sure if the doctors were able to save her life. And even if she were to live, she would most probably suffer from severe brain damage or remain in a vegetative state due to the amount of time that her brain had been deprived of oxygen.
All Pastor Philip and his wife could do was cry out to God to save her and proclaim His word that He had spoken to them in Psalm 118:17 that Sarah would “not die but live and declare the works of the Lord.”
Click on the link below to watch the gut-wrenching re-enactment of the terrible accident that took place that day and listen to the remarkable testimony of Sarah’s grateful parents as they recount how God miraculously preserved her life:
Pastor Dr. Philip Lyn is the senior pastor of Skyline SIB Church in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia. Feel free to visit Skyline SIB to join their weekend services or prayer meetings (Details about their service times and location can be found on their website www.skylinesib.com).
Alternatively, if you would like a copy of the DVD “The Miracle of Sarah” to share with your friends and family, please contact the church by emailing enquiry@skylinesib.com or by calling +6088 247804.

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Dear Pastor Philip
I wanted to meet you after the AG’s program in kolkata, But you were busy so I did not want to disturb you. I’d Like you to mail me back so I can be in touch with you.
Myself and some youths we organize programs in the North Side of India so when we have our next program we’ll like you also to be a part of the program as a speaker.