5 Feb 2013 by Mindy Oon-
Originally from Penang, Deborah Tan arrived in Hobart, Australia as a university student in 2001. It was during these years that she was involved with the international students’ ministry through Overseas Christian Fellowship (OCF), and through hosting the 2003 OCF convention, God challenged Deborah to take the task of global missions seriously. In 2005, Deborah moved to Adelaide for work, and there she joined Aileen Morrow on trips to Philippines and experienced what it was like for people who did not yet have the Bible in their language. Deborah is now a personal assistant to the CEO of Wycliffe Australia and is a Wycliffe representative amongst international students, challenging them to take up God’s mission for their life. Here is her story and testimony.

The Journey to Joining Wycliffe Bible Translators.
I used to have many preconceived ideas about missions that made me think I was disqualified and / or excused. God challenged these views during my university years so much that by the time I had graduated, I was deeply convinced that a heart for all peoples should be a natural overflow of my deepening relationship with God. Despite that conviction, I still didn’t think God would ever ask me to get involved personally in cross-cultural missions.
It wasn’t until the end of my first year of work as a pharmacist that I felt God ask me, as I contemplated some long term career decisions, ‘If I were to call you into full time mission work, would you say yes?’ After struggling with that question three nights in a row, I finally agreed and felt his peace.
It was another two and half years before God began prompting me to take the next step. And then it took me another two years to decide if I should join Wycliffe Bible Translators Australia. I had always highly esteemed the work of Wycliffe Bible Translators. It seemed like a no-brainer to support work that produced something so vital, the Bible in a language that people can understand, and my view of the importance of this work was further strengthened by my experiences on two short visits to language groups in which only a few portions of Scripture existed. But my problem was that I couldn’t see myself being a translator. The natural comment most people made was to see if I could use my pharmacy work in missions too, and though I knew it was possible, I felt in my heart that was not the way I wanted to pursue.
Through the help of some mentors, I learnt that for every one missionary we send to the field, we need a team of people supporting them in all sorts of ways – administration, IT, teachers, medical help, pilots, accountants, and so on. I was thrilled when I finally realised that I could get involved in Bible translation even if I couldn’t see myself fitting the Bible translator role.
Relying on God To Totally Meet Financial Needs
Before I started this journey, it was really nerve-racking to think that I would not be receiving a regular income. All Wycliffe members are supported by friends and churches, and this includes administrative support like myself. In fact, even our CEO does not receive a salary!
Initially there were moments of deep anxiety. This was partly because I would wonder if maybe I was mistaken in making my decision. It was partly also because I often didn’t feel all that important in the grand scheme of things and couldn’t imagine why people should support me. Struggling through those thoughts made me realise how much I doubted God's love, generosity and provision for me.
It has been two years, and I can now say confidently that God has provided everything I needed and more. I no longer feel the same anxiety I did two years ago, even though I don’t always know where all the money is going to come from at the end of every month. His provision has served as confirmation that I am where he wants me to be. The best blessing of 'living by faith', however, is the wonder of seeing miracles regularly and the deep security I am experiencing as I taste a just how generous and faithful our God really is.
God Always Comes Through!
2011-2012 are filled with instances of God coming through in all sorts of ways! I remember one month in 2012 when I had no left over money after paying for rent and other necessities, but I still needed money for food and study fees. I didn’t tell anyone but I was complaining to God that I was tired of having to worry about where the money was coming from. That week, I had an anonymous gift of money in an envelope that covered my immediate needs that month. Then some friends from Singapore offered to cover the rest of my study fees. Not only that, I was invited for meals almost every night of that week, and being a rather social person who is single, this was a great blessing not just because of the food but because of the company. It was like God was telling me ‘See how much I care for you? It would have seemed sufficient to just provide you with the money but I go beyond that and fulfil your emotional needs by placing you amongst your brothers and sisters in Christ who all care for you.’
Another example of God’s provision – this time in advance! Just last December, I received an unexpected financial gift on Christmas Day. I was pleasantly surprised and wondered at first what I would do with it because I had already enough for that month. The next day, I was at my friend’s house about 45 minutes away from my home, and about to head off together to a Christmas party when my car started steaming. In this instance, God’s provision wasn’t just in providing me with the money I needed to pay for the repairs, but also that it all happened whilst I was with my friend who is a much more practical person than I am. She convinced me not to risk driving my car home, and happily let me stay over that night so I could get my car fixed the next day.
Everyone Can Contribute
The first thing to get our heads around is that we are all called to participate in God's kingdom in all sorts of ways. If we don't really believe that our contribution and partnership is valued by God just as a career missionaries’ or pastors’, then we will probably not have the faith to believe that God can use us right where we are. We might miss out on amazing opportunities if we are closed to the idea that we are missionaries in our current communities, at our workplaces, in our neighborhoods.
At the same time, it is important to remember the many other people and language groups that at the moment have little or no access to hearing about Jesus. This includes 1968 language groups that currently have no Scripture at all and no project planned as yet. It is the goal of Wycliffe worldwide to be an answer to this great need.

There are of course a lot of needs in this world, and a lot of mission being done by churches and organizations that all present you with facts and figures and stories to pull at your heart. It is your choice to decide which most grips your heart, and how God leads you to contribute, but the key thing is to choose to do so. Whether by financial support or through prayer, being an emotional support to missionaries on the field or when they come home, providing practical help during their transitions or volunteering a day a week at the office – whatever it is you feel you can give, do it with all your heart, emulating the generosity of our God who gave of himself, his only Son, in order that we might truly live.
For those who would like to know more about Wycliffe, and how to support Deborah and this ministry, feel free to contact her at Deborah_tan@wbt.org
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