Rediscovering Your Passion

Pastor Suresh Sundram 分享神的话语

24 June 2013 by Natasha Kim CM- 


Over the years that pass, many lose that twinkle in their eyes, that confidence in their step and the smile on their faces, the very thing that makes them alive and enthusiastic. It is easy to identify a person who has lost their passion. They are easily burnt up, unhappy, angry, jealous, discouraged, disobedient, distracted, disappointed and more.

Pastor Suresh recently preached at City Revival, Subang Jaya, about the matter at hand, to re-align and bring back their lost passion. “The creative force behind any great thing is passion…. Purpose drives passion and passion drives purpose” he shared. Some people are passionate about football while others love exploring. There is nothing like passion driven people. “God has created each one of us with emotion to create that passion that drives our lives but our number one passion must be God” shared Suresh.


Pastor Suresh Sundram preaching the Word
Pastor Suresh Sundram preaching the Word


The Passion for God and Gods purposes

When a person is passionate about something, it becomes first in their priority, even if it means waking up at 3 a.m. in the morning. The most passionate scripture in the Bible is when Jesus said to:-

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matthew 22:37-39)

This shows that we must love God first but it is written there that we must also love his people. People who have Gods passion are passionate for people. The Bible says that it is good to be passionate. “One of the things you see in every great man of God in history and in scripture was that they were passionate for God and the purposes of God” he said. Therefore if we want to seek His kingdom we need to have that quality inside us for the things of good. Be passionate for God and the things of good and everything else will fall into place.


Passion pleases God

Passion is irrespective of your circumstances outside. For example, many people are filled with passion when their boss is around, but are not as soon as the boss leaves. It doesn’t matter what you work as, whether a cleaner, a doctor, or an engineer, there is a destiny is to be fulfilled. “We need to see a restoration in people. God is looking for people of passion!” he shared.




Passion enhances success.

Giftings and education can only take you so far, but it is your passion that will take you to the level of excellence. The willingness to learn brings new depth to your knowledge. “Whether it was Moses or Joshua in the Bible.. What were they driven by? Passion!” said Suresh.


Passion enhances willpower.

If you want something really badly, you will have the will to do it and make it happen! Just like the many people who want to lose weight. What do they do? They purchase videos, head to the gym and more. They will do everything they can just to look good. The power of “want” is incredible!


Passion touches lives.

“When you and I are passionate, it is infectious, it pours itself unto others as well!” shared Suresh.

“For I know your eagerness to help, and I have been boasting about it to the Macedonians, telling them that since last year you in Achaia were ready to give; and your enthusiasm has stirred most of them to action.” (2 Corinthians 9:2)




Passion protects us

Passion for God and His purposes causes us to be focused and result in us living lives that are different, because our eyes are upon God.

“Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.” (Proverbs 29:18)


How to Rediscover Passion?

–          Become who God wants you to be

–          Be plugged into God

–          Activate your gifting

–          Associate with people of passion

–          Activate an attitude of gratitude

–          Focus on God’s mission


Characteristics of a Passionate person

A passionate man has God’s goals and purpose. According to the Bible, at a mere age of 12, Jesus walked to the temple to discuss theology with the people there. He already knew that the focus must be the purposes of God. Hence, a passionate person also self-starts just like Jesus did.

“When you’re plugged into God, He becomes a source of everything that we do and who we are. So many times in the book of Mark Jesus isolates himself amidst the crowd, amidst the miracle to make time for God the Father” shared Suresh.




Give your best and strive for excellence, and don’t be satisfied with mediocrity. “Passionate people are marathon runners! There is no obstacle that they cannot overcome.

“Do not behave like we can do everything a part from Him. Our source and our all is in Him. Simple!” shared Suresh. Since God is our power source, make sure that you do not get disconnected from it.

Jesus lived a life touching people, and having to go through criticism but he kept pushing forward to do good works. “No excuses and no blaming others” he said. Don’t be dismayed but be confident for the best of people face trials and brick walls, but remember that challenges aren’t too big if you hold your faith and passion close to your heart.





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