Recent Nathan Morris Pentecostal Events Powerful Outpouring of the Holy Spirit and Timely Exhortation of the Gospel Message


Nathan Morris is well-known all over the world. His crusades take him over the entire globe. He has also been in the epicenter of major outpourings of the Holy Spirit, like the Bay Revival and the recent massive ones in Nicaragua earlier this year, where thousands gave their lives to God. The presence of the Holy Spirit in these crusades brought revival and healing, in many cases, from illnesses or disabilities that had previously gone on for years.   


Nathan Morris


In Malaysia, the Nathan Morris healing and revival meetings were landmark events, filling up stadiums and lasting into the early hours of the following morning. These meetings were sorely missed during the pandemic. The happy news is that Nathan has – and is – scheduled to make regular visits here again. Most excitingly, God’s spirit is still mightily at work.

The most recent visit by Nathan to Malaysia was only about a month ago, in PGRM Kuala Lumpur, Penang Christian Center Penang, and Dewan Calvary Tawau, Sabah. Bishop Ong Sek Leang shared during the first night at PGRM that there was already a powerful and tangible presence of God in an earlier meeting between Nathan and the pastors. 


There was a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit and much healing during the altar call that lasted until near midnight.


The presence of God continued to be felt strongly in the hall throughout that night. After a resounding worship session, Nathan shared his message, centering it on the gospel, a fundamental topic for Christians. Nathan’s message brought home an outlook and an understanding of the power of that message. 

Reading from Revelation 1:5-7 and Hebrews 12, Nathan brought to the forefront the coming of Jesus as a triumphant King and the mandate of the gospel. As the apostle Paul wrote the Book of Hebrews, he conveyed about a task of immense privilege and responsibility. 

For generations past, before Paul wrote the epistle, many held on to the gospel despite being under persecution. Many of them were imprisoned and killed, and they did not see the promises of God in their lifetimes. But though they did not receive the things promised, they saw and welcomed them from a distance, held on to their faith, and ran their race well. Though persecuted, they focused on a better country – a heavenly one – and God accorded it to them and prepared a city for them in Heaven. 


Nathan sharing his message


When Paul wrote Hebrews, the baton had been handed to his generation. Paul mentioned the great cloud of witnesses from all the past generations. He recognised the immensity of the responsibility that Christians carry. We all have the same race to run until the day of the Lord’s return. Paul enjoined us to run the race with perseverance, fixing our eyes on Christ, the author and perfecter of our faith. Christ Himself set an example by enduring the cross, and today He is seated at the right hand of God. Paul encourages us to consider Christ – that we do not become weary and lose heart.  

‘Paul is saying to us that we must cross the finish line because those who had gone before us, their stories are not complete until we finish our race,’ Nathan communicated. ‘We have been called for such a time as this. The enemy will fight you all your life. He will tell you your life is meaningless. He will tell you there is no hope for your life. But you see, when you know who you are in Christ and held in His palm, you will realise that Christ who is in us is greater than anything you are facing. Do not let the cares of the world stop you from running the race and from your destiny.’ 


The PGRM Hall was filled to the rafters even during the first night


We did not just inherit a great destiny from Christ. One day, Christ will return, not as a babe, but as a King over all creation. On that day, every man and woman who has ever lived will stand before His judgment seat, and Christ will bring God’s purposes to fulfillment. The King is coming, and He is coming soon. Despite the darkness that seems to be growing everyday, God is sovereign, and nothing in this world can stand in the way of His gospel.   

‘God is not finished with His church,’ Nathan conveyed. ‘Despite the bad news we are surrounded with every day and the uncertain economies of the world, God says His word will be preached throughout the world, and then the end will come. Whenever His Spirit is moving, there is freedom and joy unspeakable. We do not look at the uncertain times and the economies of the world, we do not look for our provision from the news, because the King is still on the throne, and the Bible says nothing can pluck us out from His hand.’ 


God’s Spirit is still moving mightily. This is just one meeting of many during the Nicaraguan Revival (Ref: NathanMorris)


As recently as early this year, God’s Spirit moved mightily in nations like Nicaragua. For years, that nation was hard ground. In over just a space of eight remarkable weeks, thousands upon thousands returned and reconciled back with the Lord. Nathan shared, ‘God is accelerating the harvest field. What took years is now taking merely days and weeks. And God has impressed upon my heart that this is just the beginning of the work God is going to do in nations throughout the world.’ Much healing took place during the altar call that lasted until near midnight.  


Christianity Malaysia would like to thank the organisers of the event for their hospitality throughout the production of this article. All photos from the event kindly contributed by the event organisers. 


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