Pre- and Post-Tribulation Rapture Can Be Reconciled, Putting an End to a Divisive Debate



For some time, we have been publishing articles in our Jesus Is Coming Campaign (JICC). In many of our JICC articles, we have discussed the miraculous event known as the Rapture. Paul describes this future event as a “mystery” in 1 Corinthians 15:51, where both the living and the resurrected dead in Christ will be caught up to meet Him in the air, receiving glorious, transformed bodies. The apostle assures us in 1 Thessalonians 4:17 that we “shall we ever be with the Lord.” This is the enduring hope of most Christians.  

Nevertheless, while a major percentage of Christians agree on the concept of whether there will be a Rapture, even among those who hold to this hope, debates have continued regarding its timing, specifically whether it will occur before, during, or after the Tribulation.

Due to the complex and largely symbolic language used in Scripture when it comes to the End Days, and in particular, the book of Revelations which deals most extensively with the subject, the field of Eschatology, the study of end-time events, has long sparked varied interpretations surrounding this important aspect of our faith. A significant portion of this debate focuses on whether the Rapture takes place before or after the Tribulation period.



Pre-Tribulation vs. Post-Tribulation Rapture

Pre-tribulationists believe that all faithful Christians will be taken up before the Tribulation begins, sparing them from the suffering unleashed under the Antichrist’s rule. They see the Rapture and the Second Coming of Christ as two distinct events, with key support found in Paul’s letters to the Thessalonians. Historically, this view dates back to as early as The Shepherd of Hermas (AD 140), which suggests believers will not have to endure the tribulation.


Historically, the pre-tribulation view dates back to as early as The Shepherd of Hermas (AD 140), which suggests believers will not endure the tribulation.


In contrast, post-tribulationists believe the Rapture will occur after the Tribulation, just before the Battle of Armageddon. According to this view, the saints – both living and dead – will be gathered to meet Christ and then return with Him to establish the Millennial Reign. Revelation 20:4-5 is often cited, referencing believers who remained faithful through persecution and resisted the mark of the Beast.


Reconciling Both Views

Though these two perspectives seem opposed, we believe Scripture shows they are not mutually exclusive — both can be true. The key to this reconciliation lies in understanding the distinct roles of believers throughout the Tribulation.

The first Rapture will involve existing born-again Christians, as described in 1 Thessalonians 4. Those left behind will include many Jews who have yet to recognize Christ. During the Tribulation, a great multitude – including the 144,000 Jewish witnesses mentioned in Revelation 7 – will turn to Christ. Additionally, two prophets, often identified as Moses and Elijah (Revelation 11), will minister in Israel for 1,260 days.

This period of revival among the Jews fulfills God’s covenant promises to Abraham and confirms Israel’s unique role in the Last Days. Even during the reign of the Antichrist, God’s Spirit will remain active, working through these witnesses to bring people to salvation.


The Second Rapture and Christ’s Return

The Second Rapture will occur at Jesus’s Second Coming, as described in 1 Thessalonians 5. Before the final outpouring of God’s wrath, Jesus will gather the saints – both Messianic Jews and those who suffered for His name during the Tribulation – into a safe refuge. This gathering is analogous to Noah’s Ark, providing protection before the final judgment falls upon the world.


God has delivered His people numerous times such as in the days of Noah and Moses. He will do so once again in the Rapture.


Following this event, Christ will lead His saints to defeat the forces of Satan and establish His Millennial Reign. Matthew 24:37-41 alludes to this moment, where one person is taken to safety while another is left behind. This passage highlights the second gathering of believers during Christ’s return.


The Urgency of Being Ready

We firmly believe in the reality of both the pre- and post-tribulation Raptures. The first Rapture offers the blessed hope of salvation before the Tribulation. However, those left behind – many of whom we believe will be non-believing Jews – will still have the opportunity to turn to Christ during this period of upheaval. Through God’s covenant with Israel, many will become saints, ministering and leading others to salvation.

Ultimately, both Raptures emphasize the importance of having a relationship with Christ. Missing the first Rapture would be a profound loss, as it offers believers the chance to be spared from the trials to come. As Paul wrote in 1 Thessalonians 5:8-9, we are called to put on the “breastplate of faith and love” and the “hope of salvation” as we await Christ’s return in these last days.


As Paul wrote in 1 Thessalonians 5:8-9, we are called to put on the “breastplate of faith and love” and the “hope of salvation” as we await Christ’s return in these last days.



The Significance of the Raptures 

The Rapture, in both its pre- and post-tribulation occurrences, reflects God’s grace and His faithfulness to His covenant with Israel. But it is also a reminder and a hope for every believer in Christ. 

Those who turn to Christ during the Tribulation will become part of the great multitude that worships God in Revelation 7. In the end, Jesus will triumph over the Antichrist, establishing His Kingdom and fulfilling the promises made to His people. Our urgent exhortation, however, is to not wait for the Tribulation to make your decision. 

Embrace Christ today and be ready for the first Rapture – it would be a great tragedy to miss it. For every believing Christian, it is our responsibility to share this important promise and hope with our loved ones. We do not want them to be left behind to undergo the Tribulation, which will be a time of unparalleled suffering.    


Note: The contents in this article is a rewrite of a previous JICC article, No More Arguments On Pre- and Post- Tribulation Rapture: They Are Both True! You are encouraged to read that article to discover in more detail the topics discussed in this article. May our readers be blessed by both articles. 


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