Pastor’s Appreciation & Anointing Gathering 2013


5 Oct 2013 by Mindy Oon CM-


A Pastor’s Appreciation & Anointing Gathering (PAAG) was held on the 26 to 28 September 2013 at Emmanuel Christian Assembly, Taiping, Perak. An Annual gathering catered especially for all Pastors, Elders and Full Time Ministry Workers, this gathering aims to honor and appreciate Servants of God who labour for the Lord over the years. Organized by Rev. Dr. Bernard Teh, this year’s PAAG had pastors from all over Malaysia, as well as from overseas.

The main speakers for this event were Rev Dr. Vernon Falls & his wife, Rev. Dr. Margareth Falls, who have been given the commission to teach and train pastors, ministers, leaders and believers in the Word of God, how to flow in God’s power and anointing, and to discover their gifts and calling. They have travelled over 100 nations of the world preaching and ministering with signs and wonders, miracles, and the gifts of the Holy Spirit.


Dr Vernon Falls Addressing The Pastors
Dr Vernon Falls Addressing The Pastors


Rev Dr. Joshua Yee and his wife Rev. Dr Carey Yee also spoke at this year’s PAAG. ORDAINED AS A Lutheran minister, Rev Dr. Joshua Yee planted Renewal Lutheran Church, a fast growing church with a heart for missions. Teaching and preaching with simplicity, his Christ centered messaged bring hope, restoration and fresh vision.


Rev Dr Joshua Yee and Rev Dr Carey Yee
Rev Dr Joshua Yee and Rev Dr Carey Yee


This year’s PAAG also saw special guest speaker Datuk Paul Low who was invited to speak at this even before he became senator and minister in the Prime Minister’s Department. An elder at River of Life, Kuala Lumpur, Datuk Paul Low has started Healing Wings ministry. A civil rights activist and the former President of Transperancy International – Malaysia, he has served in the National Economic Action Council. Datuk Paul spoke on ‘Serving Under Imperfect Leadership’ at this year’s PAAG.


Rev Dr Vernon Falls and Rev Dr Margareth Falls
Rev Dr Vernon Falls and Rev Dr Margareth Falls


With a schedule that allowed for rest, PAAG ensured that all who attended were blessed both spiritually and physically (with good food!). Many healings took place, and the ministers were ministered too. As Isaiah 58:11 says ‘The LORD will guide you continually, giving you water when you are dry and restoring your strength. You will be like a well-watered garden, like an ever-flowing spring.’


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