New Beginning for Tabernacle of David – Pastor Irene Chong and Pastor Jason Yeong, Tabernacle of David

The 40th anniversary of Tabernacle of David with Pastor Irene Chong (3rd from left), Pastor Jason Yeong (6th from left) and the board of the church, cutting the cake


Tabernacle of David (TOD) is known for their wave of prophetic worship that swept across not only Malaysia but various parts of the world including Israel, Egypt, Vancouver, USA, Australia, The Philippines, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, Finland, and South Africa.


Musicians of Tabernacle of David worshipping God for the church's 40th anniversary
Musicians of Tabernacle of David worshipping God for the church’s 40th anniversary


With over 60 prophetic worship conferences held to date since its God-inspired name in 1989, TOD brought the Presence of God into tangibility in their Davidic worship. All glory to our Father in Heaven!

However, in year 2004 to 2015, Pastor Irene Chong shared how God is beginning to stir TOD into a new season, indicated by fewer conference attendees over the years.

Indeed, ‘there is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heaven’ (Ecclesiastes 3:1), where the number ‘40’ appears to have a special place in God’s times and seasons.


The worship team in the 40th anniversary of Tabernacle of David
The worship team leading worship in the 40th anniversary of Tabernacle of David


Moses was in Egypt for 40 years before he shepherded for 40 years  and finally, led the Israelites for 40 years (Acts 7:23, Exodus 7:7, Deut 34:7). King Saul, King David and King Solomon ruled Israel respectively for about 40 years (1 Samuel 13:1, 1 Kings 2:11, 1 Kings 11:42). Jesus was tempted in the wilderness for 40 days (Matthew 4:1-2).

Hence, in conjunction with TOD’s 40th anniversary, Pastor Irene shared how this year marks a watershed for the church, a new beginning.

“It’s like crossing the threshold. It has been a great forty years but it’s going to be greater!” said Pastor Irene Chong.

It was only last year that the church was going through challenging and difficult times. Having no one to turn to, Pastor Jason Yeong shared how 114 members of the church fasted and prayed together for 40 days, twice, to seek God’s face.


Assorted fruits placed beside the stage, to be served and given away to the church attendees after the anniversary celebration


As Pastor Jason fasted and prayed, the mission and vision of TOD came to him, which are to “Grow in Christ and in numbers.”  

“Growing in Christ means that we need to deepen our knowledge of Christ and understand the depths of what He has for us. We need a foundation built on Jesus Christ, not only on events or things we are doing. Only then we can move forward.

“When we talk about growing in numbers, it’s not just about absorbing and receiving from God but it’s actually serving people. That means we go out and give whatever we receive to bless other people,” shared Pastor Jason.


Pastor Jason sharing his heart in the 40th anniversary of the Tabernacle of David
Pastor Jason Yeong of Tabernacle of David sharing his heart in the church’s 40th anniversary


Pastor Irene shared the church mission statement based on four W’s; Grow in the Word, Worship God, abound in good Works and Win the lost. These elements, she shared, make the complete gospel.

“Yes, we still want to grow in worship. But it’s worship and mission, worship and evangelism, worship and discipleship, and worship and growth in Christ. It’s the full gospel together,” Pastor Irene shared.

Because of TOD’s current emphasis on the Great Commission (Mark 16:15), 17 people received Jesus Christ as LORD through the sharing of the church members since the last few months!

“It’s a big milestone for us and we are looking forward to more souls saved in days to come. We said to the church that we have to intentionally engage people and to be more proactive in reaching out to more souls,” shared Pastor Irene.


The dancers worshipping God in the 40th anniversary of the Tabernacle of David
The dancers worshipping God in the 40th anniversary of Tabernacle of David


Pastor Jason added, “The members’ mind set has changed. They see there are opportunities to reach out to people and how to find opportunities.”

The church members of TOD had been recently trained for evangelism in Alpha course and Harvest training. And this is a return to TOD in its origins of powerful evangelism!

Pioneered by former Senior Pastor, Pastor David Swan, TOD was started as a service for the visually impaired students who found going to church challenging. The next eight years of TOD exploded with the planting of eight churches in Kuala Lumpur and other places such as Ipoh, Slim River and Sungkai. It was a powerful evangelistic movement and is returning to the church now.


Dancers of Tabernacle of David worshipping God in the church's 40th anniversary
Dancers of Tabernacle of David worshipping God in the church’s 40th anniversary


Mostly, Pastor Irene and Pastor Jason are encouraged to see the leadership of TOD rising as one man with Jesus Christ as the head to serve.

“My joy is seeing the older members becoming more active, responsible and committed. They are really rising up! It’s not serving the board or the church but serving our God, because it is Jesus who died for us and redeemed us. I am very happy for them,” said Pastor Jason Yeong.

“The young people also see themselves playing a bigger role now in the growth of the church. We see so much quality and potential in them. They are doing a great job!” added Pastor Irene Chong. 

Because Tabernacle of David is fixing their eyes on Jesus, God will certainly build this house (Psalm 127:2). His heart still beats for TOD, and forevermore. In Jesus Christ, the Living Rock (1 Peter 2:4), we can all put our whole trust in.


The church attendees of Tabernacle of David dancing with joy in their 40th anniversary
People dancing with joy in Tabernacle of David’s 40th anniversary

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  1. 0

    Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ.My name is pastor ondara moguche from Kenya.I heard the call of the Lord after being the slave of the devil for many years.I responded to His call and decided to Follow Jesus.
    I feel to be the most blessed person after reading your website and acknowledge your message I am writing to you this letter which is my first letter to you,to let you know that your website is of a great blessing to me and is a tool of my spiritual growth.
    Kindly brethren I humbly request you to pray for us so that our faith grow and be strong.
    Kindly may you send us your teachings?
    we hope to hear from you soon
    pastor ondara moguche.

    • 0

      Shalom Pastor Ondara,

      Apologies for this late reply. We are not a church per se. Rather, we are a Christian media ministry made up of Christian laymen. However, we do cover sermons from the local churches in Malaysia from time to time. You are free to use the content from our website to edify your congregation but do link the source back to our website 🙂 Will keep your congregation in prayer. God bless!

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