A Musical Night of Encouragement and Love


19 Sept 2013 by Natasha Kim CM-


The mother-daughter duo, Rachel Dampier and Javetta Saunders recently flew down all the way from the United States to perform and share their testimonies, with the members at City Revival Church. Both of them love and serve the Lord with their entire being! It was a great musical night that filled everyone with encouragement.


From Left to Right: Mandy, Javetta Saunders and Rachel Dampier
From Left to Right: Mandy, Javetta Saunders and Rachel Dampier


God’s promises will be fulfilled


Javetta sharing her story
Javetta sharing her story


Right before the musical performance began, Javetta shared that the Lord showed her even before the sonogram that she would have a daughter and that her daughter would be a voice to the nations in the end times. It was a miracle of God because it turned out exactly as the Lord said it would be. Recently, one of Rachel’s current songs called “Strong Heart” reached the top of the charts in nationwide radio and was nominated as one the top five singers of the year. “We give God all the glory. Any good, any anointing and any talent, all belong to the Lord. He’s the one that gave the gift and sent us the calling,” Javetta shared.


Sing to him, sing praises to him; tell of all his wondrous works! 

(Psalm 105:2)


Javetta Saunders
Javetta Saunders


Javetta then passed the time to Rachel. She performed many of her songs in her latest album and shared a little about the songs that she sang. She used to be one of those people who get up every morning to go to a job she hated but God planted a dream in her life, just like He did for Joseph in the Bible and for the children in Israel. However, just like them, she had to do some things before she could reach that dream. It’s the same for a lot of people in this world.


For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another. For the whole law is fulfilled in one word: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.

(Gal 5: 13- 14)


Rachel Dampier
Rachel Dampier


A Beautiful Testimony of God’s Promise

In between, Rachel introduced her friend Mandy and invited her to share. This sweet-looking girl was all-smiles and you’d never think that she had a hard life growing up. Mandy was born into a troubled family that was poor. “My parents had problems with drugs and anger, and I suffered a lot of neglect as a child. But I knew in my heart that this is not the way to live and that there is something more for me,” she said.

Though it didn’t go great for her as a child, God did bless her with a loving grandmother who taught her to love the Lord. Her grandmother used to always remind her about God’s promises to us and that He will always keep us in His favour. One day, during a meeting with her guidance counselor in high school, Mandy told him about how she wanted to be a doctor of psychology one day. To her dismay, he shrugged her off and told her that she could never become that because her family could not afford it and she didn’t have the brains.


Rachel (left) and her best friend Mandy (right) sharing
Rachel (left) and her best friend Mandy (right) sharing


“My grades weren’t that great because I was working full-time and going to school full-time as a teenager,” she said. Despite the discouragement she had faith the entire time. “I knew in my heart that God had something different for me,” said Mandy. As she fast-forwarded her story, she shared how she has been blessed by the Lord. Now she has two master’s degrees and a doctorate in Neuro-psychology!  Even though many people put her down, God was always on her side.

“Don’t let things, circumstances or situations stop us from reaching everything that God has for us. There are many obstacles but nobody can stop the Will of God in our lives and I love that! God cannot be bribed and doesn’t have favouritism, He just looks throughout the world and finds the people that are just so unexpected,” shared Rachel.


Rachel Dampier performing the songs in her album
Rachel Dampier performing the songs in her album


“Always stay in the spirit and in the Word of God. I can tell you for sure, that one way that you will always know if you’re missing it, is that you feel unrest in your spirit,” said Javetta. Continue to tune into the Holy Spirit and what it is saying to you and you’ll walk in the light.


Note: Javetta is a business entrepreneur whom the Lord has blessed tremendously. She has recorded and written many gospel songs. She is also a Christian leader who ministers throughout the USA and the other countries. Her daughter, Rachel Dampier is an anointed gospel singer and a power-house vocalist who has been performing publicly since she was five years old. Rachel has performed with many noted singers and is an excellent speaker.


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