4 April 2015-
Calling all Christian to respond to the call for justice and love for flood victims in Kuala Betis.

Kuala Lumpur, 16 March 2015 – Run for OA is launched under the community service arm (RunNat GRACE) of Run for the Nation (RunNat), a Christian ministry that empower youths to be agents of change in the nation through community engagement works and charity fundraising efforts. It has been three months after the devastating flood that caused our nation a great loss and it is recorded as one of the worst flood in history of Malaysia.

Based heavily on Micah 6:8 that says “ He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?”, this project provides a platform for the young to be challenged and empowered to act in faith and give back to the community.
Concurrently, Run for OA donation drive aims to raise funds for Orang Asli community, specifically the Temiars in the interior of Kuala Betis whom lives were affected. Major issues that were realized after assessments are contaminated water source and other social issues.

The Run For OA project, will be activated with the purpose of collecting funds for water filter installation by Elite 4×4 Squad that can deliver 2,000 litres of purified water per day and is expected to be effective for two years of regular usage on top of a two-days community development program that will be held on the 17th and 18th April within the community.

In partnership with Asian Youth Ambassador (AYA), Malaysia Sports Coalition (MSC), and World Vision Malaysia, the community development program consist of sports and children programme together with healthcare education to further empower the community. Seventy volunteers will be mobilized in the programme which includes a group of focused runners to specifically raise fund for the cause.
Twenty prayer runners to be sent out!

The prayer run is set to happen in the heart of the community itself. The prayer runners are to intercede and declare the Lord’s promises over the land, encouraging the community with prayer in the midst of all the devastation. The prayer run will start early morning with a route of 5km trail and expected to end in SK Kuala Betis.
Run for the Nation believes that the organization should play a part in times in need for the community and make an impact by galvanizing youth in nation building by being involved in community works.

RunNat Global Bhd
C-3-4 Plaza Damas Jln Sri Hartamas
50480 Kuala Lumpur
Please help!
Members of the public may visit RunNat GRACE Facebook (facebook.com/runnatgrace) and Twitter (twitter.com/runforOA) to find out more information on how they can lend a helping hand towards the flood victims.

About RunNat GRACE
RunNat G.R.A.C.E. (G.R.A.C.E. stands for Greater Run And Community Engagement) is the social community engagement arm of the RunNat ministry, aimed to help the poor and underprivileged in the nation through charity fundraising efforts. Our hope through this ministry is to get the younger generation excited in seeing transformation in our country and empower them to be agents of change in our communities. We focus on bringing our impact more effectively through partnerships with other organizations in projects that will help the poor and underprivileged in our nation. Some of the organizations we have partnered with are Malaysian Care, Dignity For Children Foundation, HISTEAM and NECF. Our partnerships also involved supporting other charitable projects, like the inspiring 100km Xtramile Run in 2013 to help raise funds for the education of underprivileged children in Dignity For Children.
Communication Contact:
Andrea Teo
RunNat Global Bhd:
C-3-4 Plaza Damas Jln Sri Hartamas
50480 Kuala Lumpur
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