8 May 2014-
Shekinah Community Centre, IPOH invites you to join and experience the touch of God in the Miracle Healing Service and Leadership Seminar held by Rev Vernon Davis next week!
Delivered miraculously in his youth from a dismal lifestyle of drugs and healed of paralyzed legs, Vernon Davis is called of God with a strong apostolic and prophetic anointing. Vernon is very rich in the Word and he believes all Christians need the whole Word of God, preached and taught by the Holy Spirit. An encounter with Vernon will promise you nothing short of a renewed passion for God and a challenge to deepen your walk with Him.

Miracle Healing Service | Free Admission
16 MAY 2014 | FRI | 8 PM – 10 PM
17 MAY 2014 | SAT | 8 PM – 10 PM
18 MAY 2014 | SUN | 11 AM – 1 PM
Leadership Seminar on Apostolic Anointing | Free Admission
20 MAY 2014 | TUES | 8 PM – 10 PM
21 MAY 2014 | WED | 8 PM – 10 PM
22 MAY 2014 | THURS | 8 PM – 10 PM
27-31 Jalan Medan Ipoh 5, Bandar Baru Medan Ipoh, 31400 Ipoh, Perak Darul Ridzuan, West Malaysia
For enquiry
Call 05-547-9804 or 05-546-2385
Email sccipoh@gmail.com
Vernon is married to Ans, a Dutch girl he met in a mission work in Curaçao, Vernons home country, which is a small island in the Caribbean. They have lived in the Netherlands since 1988 and they have two beautiful children, Christa and Joshua. He has ministered widely in about forty countries in the world, where he always cooperates with the local churches. Countless people have been saved, healed and delivered. Vernon has ministered in big crusades with thousands of people, but he also ministers to hands full of people, even in remote places. Wherever the Holy Spirit leads him, he obeys and goes. He loves to teach the Word and God has given him an anointing to teach pastors and leaders. The ministries that have come forth from his ministry are usually strong and lasting.

Vernon and Ans have been traveling and ministering together in the Netherlands for years, cooperating with the local churches, and also started the VOICE TO THE NATIONS Church. This is a church where every member is a worker, according to the great commission, where Jesus told us to go out and make disciples. The Church of Jesus Christ must be built on the teachings of the apostles and prophets, so the Word gets most attention in our meetings. When the Word is planted in the hearts of the saints, sanctifying them, we can have holy assemblies, with holy worship and holy communion with God and with one another, in the holy temple of God. As a result the saints will go out and do the work of the ministry.
They also started the VOICE TO THE NATIONS Conferences, which have proven to be very effective. These are two or three days meetings, focused to reach the lost, as well as equipping the saints by the Word of God through seminars, special leaders seminars and youth meetings. Many people were saved, healed and delivered, and hungry Christians became stronger and others became hungry for God and His Word. Several Churches have recognized the apostolic anointing on Vernons life and often churches have worked together with us in our conferences. Vernon Davis Ministries is supported by God through prayer and financial gifts of faithful believers.
More details at http://www.vernondavisministries.com
KL Miracle Healing Services
There will also be Healing Services held by Rev Vernon Davis at Soaring Eagles Global Ministries (SEGM) Revival Centre on these dates:
10 MAY 2014 | SAT | 8PM – 10PM
11 MAY 2014 | SUN | 10AM – 12PM
14 MAY 2014 | WED | 8PM – 10PM
15 MAY 2014 | THURS | 8PM – 10PM
100 – 3B, Jalan PJU 1/3B, Sunwaymas Commercial Centre, 47301, Petaling Jaya, Selangor
For enquiry
Call 03-2302-2980 or
go to http://soaringeagleglobalmissions.org/contact-us/
I am interested to join you
Love and Regards
A Servant of the Lord
Pastor Augustine Shadab