Nov 9th 2012, by Adeline Lum CM-
Entertainment biz and Jesus- what a strange coexistence!
Let’s face it- entertainment biz gets a bad reputation. It comes with glitz and glamour, fortune and wealth, alcohol and drugs. All mixed together into a whirlpool that corrupts even the most good-willed minds of artistes. But magnifying the bad, we often forget the good it can bring as well.
Our God is a creative and fun God! Entertainment biz can provide just the right platform to use our talents and creativity — be it in acting, singing, directing, dancing, anything—to entertain, influence and touch a multitude of people.
How about having Jesus on TV?
Pastor Joeann Chong who had been in the show business also once perceived that it has no place in God’s kingdom.
“When I hear people wanting to be an artiste, I would warn them because it can be quite a dark industry,” said Joeann.

However, after serving for 10 years in the Pudu Full Gospel Assembly, she felt called by God to start a Christian Fellowship group for Malaysian artistes. Surprised by God’s prompting, she did a little research about it’s existence around the world.
What she found was that it had been commonly established for a long time in other countries, such as Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore (25 years since start-up). But only Malaysia did not have a place for local Christian artiste to fellowship with each other.
“God asked why he couldn’t be present in the entertainment industry? It is because Christians do not want this industry, the dark forces take hold of it,” said Joeann.
But I only got five loaves and two fishes
Humbled by God’s prompting, she prayed and seek confirmation. Although she was experienced and interested in the entertainment industry, she thought that this obligation was far too big for her.
“Who am I, a nobody, to start an fellowship organization for Chinese Malaysian artistes?” said Joeann.
In the beginning, she started the fellowship called Starpark, with just one singer, one producer, one director and one deejay. They would fellowship every Monday at church. However, the group grew bigger! And they would meet occasionally in coffee shops and Joeann’s house.

She began to wonder if she needed a place for the believers to commune anytime, and prayed to God on whether it was necessary. Within six months of praying with her staffs and believers, two good Samaritans rented and renovated the place for Starpark free-of-charge.
A Place Stars Seek and Find Jesus
Now, they meet every Monday at 8 pm in this new renovated place, having up to 20 artistes attending currently.
On 5th November 2012, I was privileged to attend their fellowship: first starting with a spirit-filled worship, followed by breaking bread led by Joeann, ice breaker and a legal presentation by Sonya, a lawyer with Christian faith.

I was impressed with Sonya’s thorough explanation about legal issues for artistes. I am also awed with how Joeann shepherd the artistes in practical ways to protect them from legal frauds.

The service ended with different believers coming forward to share their walk with God. Miau Miau, for instance, shared how her quitting to smoke led four other people to quit smoking as well. A friendly and warmth service, I hope that more local artistes would find Starpark a home to fellowship and worship God.
Let’s be Friends! 친구 합시다! 让我们成为朋友!
Not only God provided a place for Starpark, God also orchestrated and established multiple friendships with Christian artistes from other countries.
The first one was Jaeson Ma from Los Angeles, United States. With faith, Joeann called Jaeson without any connections to him. Jaeson surprisingly picked up the phone, even agreeing to come to Malaysia to have a concert hosted by Starpark! Jaeson later told her that although he had a very hectic schedule, he prayed and felt burdened by God to come to Malaysia and help Starpark start up.
The following year, another Christian Korean artistes group came to Malaysia upon the suggestion of Jaeson.
And this year, Hong Kong artiste- Wong Cho-Lam, Zac Kao and Sherman Chung- came to Malaysia to have a Heaven’s Love Music Rally.

All of them collaborated with our local Christian artistes to impact and shared the Good News through music. God appeared to connect Starpark with Christian artistes from different countries every year. Next year, Joeann is hoping to invite Christian Taiwanese artistes to Malaysia.
A Place Where Stars are Born!
She is also interested to prepare the hearts of youths and young adults who are interested to join the entertainment business. Next year, she is planning to have our local Christian artistes to guide and mentor those who want to be in the entertainment biz.

“Starpark wants to be a light for Jesus Christ in entertainment. By knowing Jesus, young artistes who just join the industry would not get lost once they enter,” said Joeann.
Jesus Christ, our Super Star
Close to three years had passed since Starpark started. With her five loaves and two fishes, Joeann prayed and obeyed. Like Jesus who prayed to God before multiplying, Joeann often exclaimed, “Never mind, let’s pray!” in response to every obstacle.
And through these four powerful words, Joeann touched the lives of many local artistes, who would in turn touch the lives of many Malaysians. In a way, God is definitely multiplying Joeann’s humble offering. In fact, four artistes had come to accept Christ through the testimony of the Christian artistes in Starpark.

Smiling assuringly, Pastor Joeann felt encouraged that God has brought together a group of local Christian artiste to represent Jesus in their work. She envisioned that all Christian Fellowships for local artistes around the world would one day come together as one nation, one body in Christ, to worship Jesus Christ, our Super Star!
How about having Jesus on TV? I say… good idea!
Watch a music video of Starpark artiste:
Please email starparkmalaysia2011@gmail.com for more information.
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