16 April 2013 by Adeline Lum CM-
On April 13, Metro Tabernacle hosted a concert for five-time Grammy-award winner, Israel Houghton! This year, Israel bagged the Grammy-award for the Best Contemporary Christian Music Song, “Your Presence is Heaven.”
The crowd was wild in anticipation. Everyone rose to their feet at once when Israel came on-stage as if his presence was a cue to stand up, jump, and worship the Lord!
Like what Brian Mansfield in USA TODAY described Israel, he calls him “a killer band that blends ’80s synth-funk, Latin dance, even arena rock.”
True enough, he wowed the crowd with his impeccable electric crunch from his electric guitar. Not to mention, he was also an impressive keyboardist.
“Let’s make some noise! Let’s worship the Lord!” declared Israel to a crowd who cheered and lifted their hands.
At one point, everyone also raised their lit mobile phones in unison to what looked like a sea of stars at night.
After two hours of worship, the crowd encored for Israel Houghton to return on-stage for a few more songs. Although it is only the second time he was back in Malaysia, he said, “I feel so good to be back here. You can tell from how relaxed I feel to be here on stage.”
A comforter and heart warmer, Israel had everyone sang the chorus of “It’s alright” to soothe the hearts of those who are anxious for the future.
A versatile singer, Israel could easily sing any lyrics according to the tune played.
Let us look forward to another visit by Israel Houghton and his music band in the future!
Watch this video by Israel Houghton in Metro Tabernacle for his first visit on April 2012!
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