His Presence

Ref: wordpress | https://caneycreektexas.files.wordpress.com/2017/04/lightstock_115919_full_rick_wilcox.jpg?w=660&h=330&crop=1


His Presence  felt in the world ,

Also  before in Bethlehem hence.

As Jesus of Nazareth He  hailed

And In all places in His  Kingdom.


Ref: wordpress


Jesus, a Savior for the broken,

 A Friend among old and young.

A Teacher among the scholars,

And  Son of Man by God’ s Word.


Ref: blogspot.com


Loved by all those who believed

In Him and also those with Faith.

Jesus knew His Father loved Him

And  twelve disciples followed Him.


Ref: wordpress


Jesus was Pure and sinless

Yet He hung between sinners!

He died on The Cross bleeding

Washing our sins from breeding.


Ref: ytimg


Hallelujah! We are free at last.

Jesus! You have sanctioned us.

By your Resurrection, we stand

Honourably as Children of God.


Ref: wordpress


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Annaz Gold

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