“Here in the Waiting” Album by Josh Yeoh hit 3rd on the Singaporean iTunes charts

Josh Yeoh
Josh Yeoh


Newly released  worship album reflects a growing heart cry

Josh Yeoh’s third album “Here in the Waiting” dropped November 1, 2015, hitting 3rd on the Singaporean iTunes charts, shortly thereafter and 4th in its native Malaysia.

Rave reviews are already pouring in but it’s more than the composition or style of music; “Here in the Waiting” is making an impact on the hearts of the listeners.


“Here in the Waiting” by Josh Yeoh


“Their songs aren’t just performances, aren’t just lovely melodies but they are being used by God to minister to those who are hurting, to those whose love has grown cold, to those who desire more of Him.” 

Canaanland Bookstore


“It is more than a random collection of songs. It is the very message burning in the heart of the Trinity…these songs usher you into the depths of His presence.”

– Asian Beacon Magazine




The album was recorded live in a spontaneous and prophetic atmosphere at the Penang House of Prayer (PenHOP) on Pentecost Sunday 2015. Yeoh, who founded PenHOP more than seven years ago, was excited by the opportunity to record there.

“It became clear to me that it would be most meaningful to do it at PenHOP because it’s the birthplace of all of these songs – and home to me – and what could be more powerful than gathering worshippers in one accord in an upper room on the day of Pentecost.”

The album’s theme of waiting is closely tied to the message of preparation for Jesus’ return that is central in the house of prayer movement.




“Every movement has a unique sound and I believe that the sound we will hear is the sound of lovesick worshippers longing for Jesus to come,” says Yeoh.

That powerful longing permeates “Here In the Waiting”, drawing worshippers of all generations closer to the heart of God.




“Here in the Waiting” kicks off a three stop, with tour sessions on:


Penang | 26 Nov 2015 | 8 PM – 10 PM | FGA Centre | Mukim 16 Air Itam 

Kuala Lumpur | 27 Nov 2015 | 8 PM – 10 PM | DUMC | Seksyen 13 Petaling Jaya

Singapore | 29 Nov 2015 | 7:30 PM – 10 PM | Faith Methodist Church | 400 Commonwealth Drive 


To RSVP for the tour, click here.




For more information, promo or interview requests, please contact:

Josh Yeoh

Email: joshyeohmusic@gmail.com



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