Getting to Know Dr. Chow Li Sze


Recently, Dr. Chow Li Sze made headlines with her inspiring testimony as shared in her book ‘A Grieving Heart Is Most Loved’. She has appeared in Focus Malaysia and even as far abroad as India in Zion Reigns Ministries.

Her book has received endorsements from well-known leaders such as the founder of Metro World Child, Reverend Dr. Bill Wilson, and numerous local pastors. Here, a young 9-year-old boy shares his impressions of his conversation with Dr. Chow.     


Dr. Chow Li Sze is indeed a woman of courage, who never gives up pursuing what she thinks is right in the sight of God. Through her testimonies, I learned that staying close to God is very important especially during difficult times in our lives.

During my Zoom interview with her, she shared her real-life emotional struggles after losing her beloved son and going through a broken marriage. Although I have not read her book, “A Grieving Heart is Most Loved”, I am very sure that it is a book worth reading.

Dr. Chow’s book is one that speaks to people who face different struggles in life, and it is written in simple and easy-to-understand language. I will definitely find time to read her book.

Through our conversation, I could feel Dr. Chow’s motherly love for her deceased son, Zhen Kan. She shared how she had accompanied her son throughout the pain and suffering he was going through, battling against the liver disorder.

There were moments when she reminisced about the good times she had with Zhen Kan. After facing all the odds in her life with God’s strength, grace, and wisdom, she was able to finish writing this book in 2019.

She shared a piece of advice for budding writers: “If you want to write a good book, it must be captivating, the storyline must be dramatic, interesting, and capable of drawing attention from the readers.” Being a first-time author, Dr. Chow received her inspiration to write her story from God above. She really amazed me with her positive attitude.

“Everyone can be an author, just go for it!” she encouraged. This is her most powerful statement that really encourages me to learn to start writing. I began to realise the power of writing from her example.               

Dr. Chow is a godly woman who relies on God’s promises, believing that He will never leave her alone. She shared with us her favourite Bible verses from Proverbs 3:5-6, which reads, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”

Being a young boy myself, I may not be able to resonate with her feelings or experiences, but I have learnt that God is real and in control of our lives. Dr. Chow is still trusting God, despite the tragedies in her life. She persevered and stopped asking ‘’why?’’. She always prayed to get everything sorted.

She does not blame God for the passing of her son. It is understandable that she still thinks of Zhen Kan occasionally, but this longing of hers seems to fade away when she knows that her beloved son is with the Heavenly Father above who takes care of Zhen Kan.

Now, I can understand William Makepeace Thackeray’s saying: “Mother is the name for God in the lips and hearts of little children.” I see this evidently from my interview with Dr. Chow and I am grateful that I also have a mother who always cherishes me just like the way Dr. Chow does with her children.


Note: Dr. Chow’s book is currently in its second edition. You can order it directly at


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