29 Jan 2015 by Adeline Lum CM-
The M2 Emerging Leaders Mentoring Program for Men and for Women was launched on 18th of January at D’ Fung Restaurant in Wisma TA, which drew 40 mentees from 22 churches for mentorship from eight industry players.
On this day as well, 30 mentees from 18 churches celebrated their graduation under the mentorship of six mentors from the past year M2 program.
Held by the Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship in Malaysia (FGBMF), they hope to provide a mentorship service targetting young working adults for the local church community. And seeing the success of M2 men last year, M2 women was held for the first time this year with similar framework to M2 men.

Conducted based on the Effective Personal Leadership by Paul J. Meyer, young working adults would learn to deal with their work issues, live out their Christian faith in the marketplace, and be the salt and light in the world.
“It was an eye-opening experience for me to attend the opening dinner event as it helped me to understand deeper the meaning of money and materialism in this changing world by the unchanging love of God,” said Dr Ruth Chan, participant of the M2 program.
Sharing her personal journey of seeking spiritual mothers in her life, Ruth was impressed with her mentor Dr Peggy’s love for the Word of God and service for the thousands of poor children in Malaysia.

Lee Jun King, graduate of the M2 program last year, also shared how God led him to join during his job transition, at an impeccable time of his life. Under the mentorship of Sreedhar Subramaniam, Jun King was impressed with how his down-to-earth mentor led by example in his spiritual discipline and work-life integration.
From the mentors’ side, many personally shared their heart for the young adults. Dr Peggy Wong, a mentor of the M2 program, shared how God impressed in her heart that she is not considered as a good leader until she raise another leader like herself.

And having mentored many young adults, Dr Peggy realized the crux of their problem is in their identity crisis. Many bought the idea of success as the world defined it: firstly, information is power and secondly, success can happen overnight. As a result, these undiscerning information-binging and disillusionment for instant success drove many to dissappointments, addictions, and even contemplating suicide.
What this generation needs, according to Dr Peggy, is to know God, not only know about God. Many young people felt that they do not have time to spend with God. But what they do not realize is that the Bible offers valuable wisdom to make important life decisions, which saves them time from making mistakes. Also, when they know God, they know that their identity only lies in Him, which is unchanged and unperturbed by this world.

Lai Tak Ming, a mentor as well, shared similar heart sentiments with Dr Peggy. Echoing his life calling to develop people, he desires to prepare the young, so that they can eventually take on the baton of leadership. And having life mentors himself, Lai attested to the value of receiving godly counsel.
Henry Eliathamby, another mentor of M2, added, “I have a heart to mentor the young people because when you look into their eyes, you see in your life all the mistakes you made before. And you just don’t want them to go through the same consequences you go through.”
According to Henry, the key problem young people have today is the lack of business role models who are technologically savvy. However, despite the evolving business platforms and methodologies, its foundation remains to be Jesus Christ. Dr Henry also shared that the young people need to have a paradigm shift, whereby wealth does not equate to success. In other words, a disciple in Christ is not marked by how deep one’s pocket is, but how broken and how willing one is to be shaped and used by God. God is more concerned with the stability of our relationship with Him whether richer or poorer, than the sustenance of our wealth. Life is not about what we see but what God is doing in our life.

The banquet dinner ended on a high note after the sharing of the alumni from last year’s M2 program. Interspersed with the intimate sharing between the mentors and mentees, this banquet marks the beginning of a journey that would change the life course of a young working adult for a lifetime.
The churches represented by the participants in this program are Antioch Network Community, Breakthru’ Worship Community Church, Calvary Family Church, City Discipleship Presbyterian Church, DUMC, Full Gospel Tabernacle, Glad Tidings Assembly of God, HIS Church, JCM Agape, Methodist Ampang, New Life Restoration Centre PJ, New Life Restoration Centre Shah Alam, SIBKL, Tabernacle of David, Tcc Rawang, and Triumphant Christian Centre AOG Rawang.
The M2 men mentors last year who are present in the dinner banquet included Sreedhar Subramaniam, Richard Ling, Dr Wong Hong Meng, and Cheam Tat Inn.
The M2 men mentors this year included Henry Eliathamby, Founder and COO of Tootpay Sdn Bhd; Rick Loh, CEO of NW Solutions (M) Sdn Bhd; Lai Tak Ming, Director, Group Human Resources and Administrator of Infrastructure and Property Group; and Michael Ong, Former Vice President of a business development of a local private university. The M2 woman mentors included Christina Yong, Marketing Director and Dr Peggy Wong, Global Entrepreneur. And finally, the M2 youths mentor is Jason Lee, Wealth Client Proposition Officer for a Bank.
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