A Father to the Fatherless – Marx Glory Thomas


23 Feb 2013 by Mindy Oon CM-


Like most of his peers at 22, Marx is completing his degree in UTAR. However, this young man who grew up with his dad being away most of the time knows how God is the only one who can fill the emptiness in our hearts that many from broken families feel. This is his testimony.



I grew up mostly without my dad. When I was young, my father would be away working and as I was an only child, it was just my mom and I. I had little time with my dad, and would be very happy when he came home. However, even from a young age, I felt that something was missing, and when I saw other families, I would wonder and ask why others got to have nice and complete families. Needless to say, I was yearning for my father’s love and his presence in my life to fill the gap that had been growing over the years.

It was during a Praise Kid’s Church camp that I learnt how God, my heavenly Father sees me. I was about twelve, just about to enter my teen years. I remember the speaker praying over me with Jeremiah 31: 3, a verse that I hold on to even now. Jeremiah 31: 3 says ‘I have loved you with and everlasting love, I have drawn you with unfailing kindness’. From that day onwards, I started seeing God as my heavenly Father and to see things in a different way. I learnt to acknowledge that God is my Father and that he takes care and provides for me.

However, as time passed, this revelation soon became something that was ‘normal’. I knew God was there for me, but I was spiritually dry. There was no real relationship with Him.

As I started college in 2007, my dad passed away. As with many young people these days, I lacked guidance at a time when I needed it most. While I was not involved in things that would make people think I was a bad person or make people’s mouth drop when I tell them, I felt empty on the inside. I was looking for something to fill the gap, and this time, I found it when I decided to take God seriously. God’s love for me was and is the only thing that can fill the emptiness that I faced.

As I took my relationship with God seriously, I saw God coming thorough for me in so many ways. Everything was provided – my study fees, my daily needs. Although at times I felt that I did not have enough, I did not lack any necessities.

What I really want people to know however, is this – For those who haven’t had a good relationship with your mom and/or dad, or for some reason have grown up without parental love and support, know that God is there to fill the emptiness. Look to God for it is worth it. Allow Him to come into the parts of your heart that you have shut off. The best part is, God never gives up on us, even when we go astray. If you are looking for something to fill the gap and trying everything to fill the emptiness, give God a chance to fill it.



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