If you expect Nothing, you’re going back with Nothing!


29 Aug 2013 by Natasha Kim CM-


A lot of people are trying to lessen their expectations due to the overwhelming disappointment they may face from expecting too much. However, the saying 'expect nothing and you will not be disappointed,' does not apply when it comes to God. God will not disappoint you like the world will, for He always comes through for those who love Him. One might think that it is humble to come to church, to expect nothing and to just worship and listen, but in all honesty there is always something that can be improved on whether it is your spiritual life, inner being or life in general.


Reverend TT Quah preaching at Acts Central
Reverend TT Quah preaching at Acts Central


Reverend TT Quah recently preached at Acts Central, Summit Hotel, about the divinity of having the presence of God as opposed to only anointing and gifts.  Every follower of God has their own anointing and their own special gifts, however he shared that he often pleads to God to take away his gifts and anointing in exchange for His presence, for His presence alone is the ultimate power that can make a difference in the world.

In 2 Chronicle 7 : 1 – 3, when Solomon finished praying, the FIRE of God came down so powerfully and consumed the offerings. The presence was so strong that even the priests could not enter the temple. If you want to usher in the presence of God in your life, it starts with prayer. It finishes with sacrifice. 


Worship band
Worship band


You can’t give the world the presence of God when you don’t go home with the presence of God. Quah added that the presence and the fire of God will only come with sacrifice.

“Are we content to come to church every week just to sing a few songs, hear a few words, drop a few coins and shake a few hands? Are we content to leave church looking the same, being the same inside, as we came?” asked Quah.

We should be crying out to God saying, “This is not enough!” It’s okay to have expectations of the Lord, the same way He has expectations of you. This divine relationship between man and God is special beyond belief.


“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and He will make your paths straight.” (Psalm 3:5-6)

Everyday, God is waiting for us to open our Spirit so that He can fill us with a passionate fire that renew our spirit, so much so that we can’t contain it! When the presence of God is present, you will know it. It is when all fears and indifference fade away. 


Expectations and Faith

God wants to make your life all it can be and a big part of having faith in God is expecting Him to bless your life. When you have faith in Him, you’ll always know that He’s got your back and your best interests in mind. Remember that your life is not all you want it to be but instead, it is all God wants it to be.


Congregation in worship
Congregation in worship


When God asks us to do something, Satan typically reminds us of all the things we must give up in order to obey, but that’s only part of the story. There’s a constant battle between God and evil inside us.


“Taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him!” (Psalm 34:8)


The verse from the Bible above tells us that when you trust in God or take refuge in him, he brings joy. Instead of thinking of what we have to give up when we trust and obey God, the Lord wants us to remember the joy we’ll find when we obey Him. Just ask any faithful Christian who utterly loves God!

That’s the kind of relationship God wants with us. It’s what faith is all about — expecting God to act on our behalf.


Many came personally to the alter and sat in solemn prayer before God
Many came personally to the alter and sat in solemn prayer before God


You might think, “God hasn’t always come through for me. He hasn’t always done what I expected of him.” How could he? God is so much greater than we are. There is so much we don’t understand about God. But I know I can trust him to love me no matter what. God will be here for me from now to eternity. Faith is expecting that even in the midst of what you’re facing now, God will keep loving you and keep being faithful. He’ll keep his plan all the way through eternity.


“Oh, my soul, don't be discouraged. Don't be upset. Expect God to act!”(Psalm 42:11)


On a personal level, God has never let me down and never failed to act on my behalf when I needed Him most, that is true. So expect Him to act and He won’t let you down.


Right after the praise and worship, everyone bowed their heads together in prayer
Right after the praise and worship, everyone bowed their heads together in prayer


A couple of questions to think about:

  • What do you expect God to do in your life?
  • Are you expecting something from God every time you enter God’s church?


Remember that if you expect nothing, you’re going back with nothing.


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