Exciting Months of Fun Activities and Fellowship for Our Young Adult Christians

iBridge GCF picture taken in 2019.


Throughout the past two years, the Movement Control Order necessitated by the pandemic has resulted in our physical meetings being restricted to some extent. This does not mean that we cannot fellowship, however, and every month iBridge and the Graduates Christian Fellowship (GCF) Malaysia plan a whole list of fun and meaningful activities where the young Christians in our nation can grab the opportunity to engage with fellow young adults and gain new friends. It is also hoped that the healthy fellowship and company of friends will help young adults to cope as well as be learning experiences during this time of pandemic.          


Who is GCF iBridge?


GCF’s logo


GCF iBridge is a ministry under GCF Malaysia for Christian graduates and young professionals. You can find out more about them through their Facebook page on https://www.facebook.com/gcfmalaysia.org

The ministry consists of a growing community of Christians, comprising young professionals and graduates in Malaysia. It aims to encourage networking and to build spiritual friendship and mentoring among young graduates. Their goal is to help graduates transition from campus life to the working world, with the vision to Mobilise Graduates to Impact Society for the Glory of Christ.

As a HeadStart, iBridge is a small group that meets once a month over 6 months to discuss the transition from student life to the working world. It also enforces community living whose objective is to create lifelong disciples, to help in the transition from campus to the marketplace, and in dealing with daily life issues such as work pressure, office politics, work culture, relating to parents, adapting back to church life, and being salt and light in the marketplace.

In pre-COVID 19 times, iBridge conducted many Face2Face and outdoor activities such as hiking, sports (badminton, captain ball, etc), and road trips. 

Besides the outdoor activities, they also conduct many indoor ones like board games, movies, and gatherings to foster fellowship and a sense of being in a community.

Every year, iBridge hosts the iBridge Camp. This is their biggest and most significant event for graduates to come and reflect about work and also be encouraged by speakers from various backgrounds such as pastors, corporate leaders, and those from various NGOs.


iBridge invites us to come and join them for their monthly ‘Graduates Virtual & F2F Fellowship’. The activities cater to a wide-ranging and broad group of personality types and tastes. In March, they will include: 

~ Board Games

~ “Let Us Pray”

~ Cardio Workout

~ Movie Reflection

~ Book Buddy

~ Cycling (F2F)

~ Relaxing Colouring

~ Monthly Fellowship (with a focus on Career Transition)

~ Frisbee (F2F)

~ Discord Hangout


Below are the list and details of this month’s activities, with notes on them by iBridge. You can register at https://tinyurl.com/GCFmarch2022 Links and Passwords will be sent to you after registration.


Online (Indoor) Activities


Ref: wordpress/bemeditation.com


Board Games

Date: 3rd Mar (Thursday)

Time : 8.30pm – 10.00pm

iBridge’s Note: Join in for online board games hosted on Board Game Arena’s website. They will be using the GCF Discord server to explain, chat, interact and have fun at the same time! (Some of the games include Saboteur, SushiGo, etc.)

Let Us Pray

Date: 6th Mar (Sunday)

Time : 4pm – 5pm

iBridge’s Note: 2022 is indeed a challenging year. Let us gather to pray for the many needs before us. “Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.” (Roman 12-12) “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God” (Philippians 4:5)

Cardio Workout

Date: 8th Mar (Tuesday)

Time : 8.30pm – 9.30pm

iBridge’s Note: You don’t need any fancy equipment or a gym membership to work out. Gilbert will lead this virtual cardiovascular exercise session that would help to strengthen your heart and to lower blood pressure. This would also strengthen the immune system, which is much needed during this pandemic.

Weekend Movie Watching & Reflection

Date: 12th Mar (Saturday)

iBridge’s Note: We will share the movie link for you to stream live to watch at your own convenient time during the weekend (Sat & Sun). Then we can share our reflection via GCF Discord chat on which part of the movie spoke to you and any inspiration/action that you would like to do after watching the movie.

Book Buddy

Date: 15th Mar (Tuesday)

Time : 9.00pm – 10.00pm

iBridge’s Note: We are launching a book buddy session on GCF’s Discord server. The first session will be on 15th March as an introduction and also gather feedback from those interested. The plan is that one day a week, Emily will read aloud (and share the ebook on-screen) while the rest of us follow and listen along. We will be starting with ‘The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe’ from the Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis.


Date: 21st Mar (Monday)

Time : 8.30pm – 10.00pm

iBridge’s Note: Colouring is a fun activity for relaxation after a long day at work. So if you’re looking for an uplifting way to unwind after a stressful day, colouring virtually will surely do the trick. We will upload a few drawings to https://aggie.io/ then we will chat while being creative while colouring the pictures together.

GCF / iBridge Monthly Fellowship

Date: 26th Mar (Saturday)

Time : 2pm – 3.30pm

iBridge’s Note: To stick or to twist? In this talk, Peter Ho walks through his decision-making process on making a career change after 18 years, in the middle of a pandemic, and at a ripe old age of 40+! Come find out whether the grass is greener on the other side or whether a bird in hand is worth two in the bush career-wise. Apart from the talk, we will spend some time together to connect / fellowship at breakout rooms, pause with short devotion/sharing, give thanks/share testimonies, pray for one another and Malaysia.

Discord Hangout

Date: 29th Mar (Tuesday)

Time : 9.00pm – 10.00pm

iBridge’s Note: The Discord concept is simple. It’s a platform for meaningful conversation and socialising with text, video, or voice calls, and a safe space for proper discussions on various topics & interests. There are also channels for fun, games, aesthetics, and a laid-back community. Join us to hang out and fellowship at GCF Discord Server.


Face to Face Activities



Date: 19th Mar (Saturday)

Time : 8.30am – 10am

Venue: Metropolitan Park, Kepong

iBridge’s Note: The park is very scenic with an exceptional amount of greenery, a clock tower, pavilions, and fantastic views over the lake all the way to KLCC. The cycling paths are dedicated, paved, and well-kept, making biking very safe. You can bring your own or rent a bicycle, tandem bicycle, roller blades, skateboarding, or scooter at a reasonable price. Please wear a face mask and maintain social distancing for the event.


Date: 27th Mar (Sunday)

Time : 5.30pm – 7pm

Venue: SS18 field, Subang Jaya

iBridge’s Note: Frisbee is supposed to be low-risk outdoor activities to toss a frisbee back and forth with a social distancing from each other. Players need to wash their hands or use sanitizer and wear face masks for the session.


*Note about the 𝐅𝟐𝐅 events – The events are subject to change, depending on the Covid19 situation and restrictions. It may be canceled, rescheduled, or replaced by virtual events which will be arranged as and when appropriate. Before attending these events, please check with the organiser to confirm.


All events are organised by the Graduates Christian Fellowship (GCF) Malaysia. You can support them through prayers, volunteering, or financial giving at 

iBridge and GCF Malaysia are Christian communities created to support, connect, and fellowship. You can LIKE & FOLLOW the GCF FB Page on www.facebook.com/gcfmalaysia.org for the following months’ fellowship activities.


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