Encountering the worst flood in the last 50 years – Pastor Henderson Wee, Kota Bharu, KELANTAN

Pastor Henderson Wee (in purple shirt) passing supplies to flood victims
Pastor Henderson Wee (in purple shirt) passing supplies to flood victims


When the worst flood recorded in the last 50 years hit Kelantan on 26th of December 2014, Pastor Henderson Wee and his church members were shocked to find themselves unprepared stewards of God’s enormous resources and blessings for the flood victims.

Built on higher ground, Pastor Henderson and his church members quickly set up a flood relief centre at their church premise, Christian Praise Centre, to provide temporary shelter, food, and flood relief items for the surrounding flood victims.

A flood victim sitting in a pile of ruins from the flood
A flood victim sitting in a pile of ruins from the flood


They thought that their work would be over soon due to their limited resources and manpower. But they were wrong. God’s ways and thoughts were higher!

Enormous resources started pouring in from five different Christian organisations within the same week, including World Vision, CREST, NECF, HISTEAM, and FGB, in addition to the churches across denominations in West Malaysia. They witnessed the re-enactment of the Acts time, where the Church came together as one body to give.


Finally, all of you, have unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind. (1 Peter 3:8)


Volunteers are geared up to start the cleaning process
Volunteers are geared up to start the cleaning process
Volunteers from FGA KL working tirelessly to help clean the area after the floods
Volunteers from FGA KL working tirelessly to help clean the area after the floods
The team praying to God for strength and grace in cleaning the areas affected by the flood
The team praying to God for strength and grace in cleaning the areas affected by the flood


With only a few hours of training by the CREST, a flood relief team was set up to despatch supplies to heavily affected flood areas in Kelantan, particularly in Tumpat, Tanah Merah, Kuala Kerai, Rantau Panjang , Temangan, and many other remote regions.

Most volunteers used their own vehicles to despatch the food items, some resulting in breakdowns and repairs. But they did not give up and worked tirelessly to deliver the supplies to flood victims.


The team responding to the specific needs of flood victims
The team responding to the specific needs of flood victims
The team quickly delivering supplies to areas badly affected by the flood
The team quickly delivering supplies to areas badly affected by the flood


Even at times when the routes seemed inaccessible, God opened ways for them to reach the remote villages! A nonbeliever was even touched by God to rent out his massive trucks for relief work without cost, which would require more than a thousand Ringgit rental per day.

The local churches in Kota Bharu, were also moved to send their youths in transferring thousands of bags from the World Vision trucks to a warehouse. This truck was also provided by another Good Samaritan for free.


The 72 volunteers from World Vision and CREST, helping to unload the truck of supplies to the warehouse
The 72 volunteers from World Vision and CREST, helping to unload the truck of supplies to the warehouse
The sharing of love tangibly to the flood victims
The sharing of love tangibly to the flood victims
The team dropping supplies to however many villagers they could
The team dropping supplies to however many villagers they could


Hence, such were the tangible acts of love shown by God. Without any preparation, the flood relief team was touched to see how different people were moved to immediately respond to the flood relief work.

Because of the church’s love sacrifice, many of the villagers that were unreachable before, began to open the doors of their heart as well to the gospel. Indeed, the flood has opened many believers’ eyes to the plentiful harvest but few labourers in Kelantan.


The group of doctors, nurses, and hairdressers who came from Ipoh to help the flood victims
The group of doctors, nurses, and hairdressers who came from Ipoh to help the flood victims
The group of doctors, nurses, and hairdressers who came from Ipoh to help the flood victims
The group of doctors, nurses, and hairdressers who came from Ipoh to help the flood victims


There are 15 churches in Kota Bharu, but only a few pastors are stationed there. The largest church there has about 100 to 200 members while the smallest church has less than 20 members.

“Many churches here do not have pastors. There are still many people in the ten districts of Kelantan who have never heard about Jesus Christ before. Each of this district has a Chinese population of about one thousand to two thousand people,” he added.

He urged the churches around Malaysia, especially churches in West Malaysia, to send their workers to Kota Bharu for ministry work. Labourers are desperately needed by the East Coast churches!



FGA members from Kuala Lumpur coming to Kelantan to help the flood
FGA members from Kuala Lumpur coming to Kelantan to help the flood


The cost of accommodation, food, and transportation per person is cheaper, which is more affordable than sending a missionary to China, Russia or Africa.

Do you feel a burden for the people in Kelantan? The flood has softened the once hardened ground of the people there. Please call Pastor Henderson Wee at 013‐938‐0950.

Finally, having obeyed God’s calling for them to serve in Kota Bharu, Pastor Henderson Wee and his wife Maureen Khor felt immensely satisfied in doing God’s Will and seeing His Glory. Both of them are now in full-time ministry, fully surrendering their whole life to do God’s Will.


Pastor Henderson Wee and his wife Maureen Khor
Pastor Henderson Wee and his wife Maureen Khor


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