Two similar passages we cannot afford to ignore in these end times
In the Olivet Discourse, Jesus warned true believers that they have to endure end time persecution, deception and lawlessness in order that they might be saved.
“Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake. And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. But he who endures to the end shall be saved.”
(Matthew 24:9-13).
Our Master knows that some will endure but many will fall away during the end times. And because the latter is likely, He issued the warning to His true disciples.
Therefore, if we say all true believers will definitely endure to the end, even in difficult times, like what fans of eternal security (One Saved, Always Saved, OSAS) would say, we will make Jesus look like a fool.
Only some believers will endure till the end and be saved, according to Matthew 24:13. Other believers who fall away are not saved and, thus, OSAS is not valid.
Notice that, in this Olivet Discourse, Jesus was addressing true believers (Peter, James, John and Andrew), not false believers who were not saved in the first place (Mark 13:3).
If believers are already saved no matter what happens (according to OSAS), why did Jesus warn believers to endure in order to be saved?
Either OSAS is correct or Jesus is telling the truth. Now, would you take your stand behind Jesus or OSAS (eternal security)?
Secondly, the apostle Paul exhorts believers to watch our life and doctrine. “Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers” (1 Timothy 4:16).
What does Paul’s warning in 1 Timothy 4:16 mean? If believers willfully continue living in sin, get deceived by heresy, or fail to hold fast to righteousness and correct doctrine, their eternal security may be undermined. Also, members of the flock taught by false teachers may also suffer the same fate. Persevering in our life and doctrine will ensure salvation for us and our hearers.
Why would Paul tell us to watch our life and doctrine to ensure that we remain saved if allbelievers definitely make it to heaven (according to OSAS)?
If we say that all believers will definitely get to heaven, whether we are faithful or not, like what fans of eternal security (OSAS) would say, we will make Paul look like a fool.
Elsewhere, Paul makes it clear that it is possible to believe in vain if we do not hold fast to what we believe (1 Corinthians 15:1-2). He also tells us that one day we will be presented holy and blameless before God, provided we continue to be steadfast in our faith (Colossians 1:22-23). Thus, inheriting salvation is conditional upon our faithfulness.
Finally, let’s consider other passages that conflict with the concept of eternal security. These passages carry the harsh message that it is possible to be ‘cast aside’, ‘cut off’ and ‘blotted out’.
Jesus warned his disciples about the dreadful consequences of falling away. In John chapter 15, an allegory about the vine (Jesus) and the branches (believers), to abide in the vine means to be united to Jesus, to rely on Him and continue obeying his commands. Those who do not abide in Christ are cast aside, left to wither, and thrown into the fire to be burned (John 15: 5-8).
Paul warned Gentile believers that they should not think that God favours them over the Jews. If they (Gentiles) fall away, they will be judged, just like the Jews who rejected Christ as God is impartial. “Consider God’s kindness and severity: severity toward those who have fallen but God’s kindness toward you—if you remain in His kindness. Otherwise you too will be cut off” (Romans 11:22).
In the message to the church at Sardis, believers who overcome will not have their names blotted out from the book of life (Revelation 3:5). That means, for those who fail to overcome, the possibility of being blotted out does exist. If this is not the intended meaning, the rendition of the verse would have been: No matter what happens, whether you overcome or not, your names are forever inscribed in the book of life.
To conclude, Jesus and Paul made it clear that to remain saved we have to endure till the end,and watch our life and doctrine. That surely debunks eternal security.
If we believe in eternal security, we will have to ignore or discount these TWO passages:
Matthew 24:9-13, making Jesus look like a fool and 1Timothy 4:16, making Paul look like a fool.
These two passages also cast huge doubts on the popular belief that we inherit salvation immediately when we make a faith decision to follow Christ or say the sinner’s prayer—without any need to endure or persevere.
Jesus warned true believers that we have to endure end time persecution, deception and lawlessness in order that we might be saved:
“Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake. And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. But he who endures to the end shall be saved.”
(Matthew 24:9-13)
Paul taught that true believers must watch our life and doctrine, and persevere in them, to ensure that we remain saved:
Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers.
Pay close attention to yourself and to your teaching; persevere in these things, for as you do this you will ensure salvation both for yourself and for those who hear you.
(1 Timothy 4:16)
The believers’ spiritual status is not static. Though we have been enlightened by the truth and transformed by the Holy Spirit, there is no iron-clad guarantee we won’t change.
Many will lose faith in God during these perilous and tumultuous end times. Is this is a fact or a figment of someone’s imagination?
God may not leave us but we can walk away from God. It takes two to tango.
John Calvin, the great reformer, believed that Christians can never lose their salvation. That is, Once Saved, Always Saved (OSAS). Is he correct?
Can believers rest in the security that we will be raptured before the Great Tribulation? Let us re-examine first-hand the passages on the rapture.
“The challenge I have with this teaching—ONCE SAVED, ALWAYS SAVED (OSAS)—is its failure to interpret individual passages honestly that disagree with this particular system. For example, Hebrews 6:1-8 and 10:24-29 clearly teach that people, after receiving the saving knowledge of Christ, can fall away and lose their salvation. Second Peter 2:20-22 and James 5:19-20 are as clear as tar on snow that a believer can fall away and once again be called sinners who have to be restored.”
— Joseph Mattera, Presiding Bishop of Christ Covenant Coalition and Overseeing Bishop of Resurrection Church in New York.
Listen to this balanced seasoned teacher, David Pawson. A must-watch video.
He is able to keep us in the faith AND we are to keep ourselves in His love.
If we keep ourselves in the love of God, He keeps what we have committed to Him.
Note: Dr Lim Poh Ann is a medical practitioner. He was the former editor of Asian Beacon magazine (Dec 2008 – Oct 2011). He can be reached at his Facebook page, www.facebook.com/AskDrLi
SOURCE OF ARTICLE: http://limpohann.blogspot.my/2017/08/dont-make-jesus-and-paul-look-like-fools.html
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Dr Lim Poh Ann
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