Delivered from a ‘widow-maker’ Heart Attack – Rick Loh

Rick Loh


The 28th of April seemed like a normal day… or so it seemed to me. Early in the day, I was moving things into my new house. And in the evening, I went for my weekly badminton game with my wife and friends.

In the game, I was surprised to find my body tired and uneasy after just two sets of games, considering myself as a fit badminton player. I blamed it on the indigestion of the Thai food I had for dinner or the laborious shifting during the day.

So, I took a rest. But my chest felt unusually hot, like burning fire. As I drove home, I prayed in tongues and pled for the blood of Jesus to cover me and restore my strength. 


Rick Loh (right) and his wife Sandy


Once I reached home, I plopped myself down on my sofa and took a nap. My wife Sandy woke me up but I still felt uneasy. After my shower, I vomited before I went to sleep. In the middle of the night, the Lord awakened me to pray. I never felt so tired and weak before. So, I broke out in tongues and rebuked the evil one and the spirit of death. Thank God, I went back to a good night rest. 

When I woke up, I drank a glass of water but vomited again. My wife decided to follow me to work because she was worried about me. In the journey, she convinced me to visit our family doctor to acquire some anti-vomit pills. I was about to travel to Atlanta a few days later.


Rick Loh


But our family doctor could not identify what was wrong with me. It was not until my wife mentioned that I was having cold sweats on my back, that he put me on an ECG test. He found out that I might be having a heart attack. I was advised to be admitted to the hospital immediately and told not to detour anywhere.

My wife drove this time and I was immediately admitted into Subang Jaya Medical Centre where an ultrasound test was conducted. There were no signs of heart attacked. However, the doctor insisted that I should go through an angiogram.


Rick Loh (right) and his wife Sandy


The angiogram results showed that I was having a major heart attack! In fact, it was not a normal attack, but a fatalistic one called as the ‘widow-maker’. The doctor told me that I was ‘lucky’ to be alive because the heart attack happened 14 hours ago. The entrance of my Left Anterior Descending (LAD) was completely blocked! But God formed new capillaries behind my heart to supply blood and preserve my heart muscles. He made a way when there was no way!

God preserved my life for a reason. I looked at things from a different perspective now. I believe that the Lord grants us an abundant life, so we can nurture, encourage and love one another. Now, I am sharing my testimony everywhere I go, especially in the Full Gospel Business Men Fellowship Central Region.


Rick Loh


I also learned that timing is our Father’s business. Had I not shifted my home, my wife would not have followed me to work. I would not have found out that I have a heart attack, had I not visit my family doctor. Because of the succession of these events including the badminton game, I am around now to tell this testimony and praise God.

If anyone of you are going through ‘dead situations’, I want to tell you that our God is real and He performs miracles. The fact that my heart muscles did not die despite the ‘widow-maker’ heart attack 14 hours earlier is truly amazing. So, trust God. He is our Healer and Deliverer. Thank Him and rejoice in Him always.


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