Come Home to Me

Ref: newdaychurchinfo |


Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? (John 14:1-2)


The LORD is calling His children to come home and rest. How many of us, wounded and battered in our spiritual war, are afraid to come home to the Father?

Yes, we once left to war in our shiny armour, shield, and sword. How glorious our future seemed with the many promises of exploits made unto God. We were bold and courageous, filled with energy and expectation to do God’s work!


Ref: buzzerg
Ref: buzzerg


But behold, the spiritual war was tougher than we think. We attempted with all our might. We saw no fruit from our sweat and blood. We pushed on even harder. But we met discouragements and disappointments. Our flesh failed us. We failed. We fell. And we cannot let go of our failure.

We run. We hide. Like what our forefathers did. We feel that we have let down God. We have let down those around us whom we encouraged in faith! We feel so embarassed. How can this happen? We cannot go back now. We cannot return to the Father.

But the Father says, “Come home.”

“But I cannot face You, Father. I have done things… and I brought You nothing. I cannot enter Your sanctuary. I cannot come into Your Presence. I cannot come home,” the heart says.


Ref: writerscafe
Ref: writerscafe


“I see you at a distance. But you are not far away from Me. The gates for you are opened. A broken spirit and a contrite heart, I will not reject. Come home, my child,” says the Father.

Bruised, scarred, punched, bloodied, and scratched, we stand at a distance looking at our Father’s palace – our home – our sanctuary. We take the first heavy step back home, hanging our head in shame. Warm tears roll down as we mouth under our breath, “Sorry Father for what I have done. Sorry Father for failing You. Sorry LORD. I am so sorry!”

And the Father seeing us at a distance, was filled with compassion and ran to us in His royal robe. He threw His arms around us and kissed us.


Ref: hopeforyourfamily
Ref: hopeforyourfamily


The heart says, “Father! I have sinned against You! I am no longer worthy to be called your son!”

But the Father says to His servants, “Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. Let’s have a feast and celebrate. For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found!”

The heart says, “Father, I do not deserve your Favor! I do not deserve your Authority! And I do not deserve to be Your son!”

But the Father says, “My child, are you merely a soldier that you have forgotten your being as my child? Are you merely my servant that I will reject you when you have failed your task?”


Ref: benotweary
Ref: benotweary


“I look not at your exploits or what you have brought to My feet. But I look to you coming back to Me. You are my child. And I am your Father. I desire to see you come back to Me.”

“I am not far away from you. You know the way home, my child. I am here waiting for you. Do not be afraid. I will not reject you. Come home, my child, come home. The gates are opened to you.”

Battered, broken, and contrite, the heart says, “Father, I am coming home… I am coming home…”


Ref: hisamazinggloryministries
Ref: hisamazinggloryministries

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