23 April 2013 by Rev Dr Steven Kau –
There is a lot of talk about finding your calling in life. Terms like destiny and purpose are popular today in Christian messages, books and conferences. This is understandable, as many people find themselves wandering through life without much direction. Yet, we are created by God for a purpose. I love what Paul said in Ephesians 2:8-10: “For by grace you have been saved through faith and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.”
Paul makes it clear that we are not saved by works but we are saved for works. We are God’s workmanship. And he has prepared good works specifically for us to step into. All believers have a calling; not just those in full time ministry. Every calling is holy because it originates with God. But how do you know what your calling is? How do you discover it? There are no formulas for this, but there are three questions you can ask yourself to help in the discovery process.
This does not mean that you have to hear an audible voice. God speaks in various ways and this includes speaking into our destiny and calling. What has God said about your calling? It may be a very specific word or it may be general. I received a general calling decades ago and it has become more focused and specific over time. God gave Joseph dreams that related to his calling but the specifics were not given at that time. David on the other hand received a prophecy from Samuel that he would be the next king of Israel; a very specific word about his calling. Has God spoken to you through His word, dreams and visions, prophetic words or other people about your calling? If you are His child, expect that He will give you directions towards your calling.
Another clue to discovering your calling is your passion. What gets you excited? What keeps you up at night? What would you do even if you never got paid for it? Don’t negate these things. They are there for a reason. There will be many obstacles that come on the road to fulfilling your calling. And often times the preparation process involves difficult seasons of refining your character and purifying your motives. It is passion that gives you the fuel to persevere until the fulfillment of the calling.
Though they are not the same, there is a relationship between your gifts and your calling. Sometimes the calling comes first and then the gifts emerge in the preparation process. Other times your giftedness is the sign that points you in the direction of your calling. Ask yourself: What are my biggest areas of strength? What am I good at? What comes naturally to me? What spiritual gifts manifest in my life? These are all clues that help clarify your purpose. Your calling will fit with the gifts that God has given you.
Use these clues in the process of discovering your calling. And remember this: your calling comes out of your identity. In other words, what you do flows out of who you are. The true foundation of your calling is your intimacy with God and your identity in Christ. As you grow in your relationship with the Lord, believe that your calling will become more clearer and come to fruition.
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