A BURN experience


30 Aug 2013 by Donna Uning CM-


No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no human mind has conceived what our awesome God has prepared for those who love Him (1 Cor 2:9). 

What supposedly took two weeks, stretched to a month for interns Franklin Simon and his friend Roy who headed to Penang to join THE BURN Internship with PenHOP in Penang. Both decided to go by faith at a recommendation of a friend.

Franklin from Kuching shared about his revelation and experiences with the internship.


Franklin Simon (4th right) with PenHOP interns and staffs
Franklin Simon (4th right) with PenHOP interns and staffs


“There is so much He wants to show me and two weeks are not enough,” said Franklin, who has to juggle the internship with work and study at the same time. “It’s a new experience for me, it's mind-opening. I was beginning to see how people enjoy prayer and worship,” he said describing the intense sessions, which adopted the Harp and Bowl style developed by International House of Prayer Kansas City (IHOPKC), where both the worship and prayer leaders work together in a session.

“During bible study, instead of reading (the bible), you sing about it,” he continued. The focus on worship with the word (www) and intercession 'helps cultivate you to become a prophetic singer.' As a musician and songwriter, being in the internship further developed his relationship with God. “There’s a lot of antiphonal singing and prophetic singing. We’re basically prophesying and declaring scriptures for two hours and it’s a lot of fun,” he recalled.

“It’s amazing, the deeper you get into this, with just a simple verse like Psalm 28:1-5 and two hours of singing from that verse – more things were revealed when you expound the Word through singing,” Franklin expressed.

“One of the most important things is how I see God before and after; before, He was God but now He’s the bridegroom King,” he added saying the revelation just came to him, "He’s not just God, He’s our father and daddy. It’s amazing to have that level.”


The participants answering the call to be forerunners and committing themselves to serving God.
The participants answering the call to be forerunners and committing themselves to serving God.


Two weeks in, the interns moved to the second stage of the program. “We were studying the Song of Songs, which I usually don’t touch,” laughed Franklin. “It changed my perception, especially when I get to know what it was about. I used to ask ‘what’s the big deal?’ Actually, God loves us so much,” he added, telling how we should have eyes like doves, seeing with a peripheral vision or focus. “When the scripture talks about the beloved Shulammite woman, it reveals something very strong. We’re imperfect but God sees us as perfect.”

Apart from the bible studies, those who were involved in music also went for worship training. “I played in the music team. On July 12, I played for 12 hours; from 8 pm and we just worship and intercede. That was the first time I played the drums at 2 in the morning. It was really intense and amazing!” he said. “We are here to lead our generation who will run the race later on.” 

Malachi 4:6

He will turn the hearts of the parents to their children, and the hearts of the children to their parents; or else I will come and strike the land with total destruction.

“It’s a powerful verse. I realized the need to work together with our father’s generation. This is the thing I got from there at the church level,” he tells. “Joel 2:28 is what inspires us to do more for God. In a way, revival will happen.” said Franklin.

Joel 2:28

And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy,   your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions.

"After four weeks in the music workshops, I managed to cultivate my songwriting skill. Honestly, it has never been so fun. Now I write not just to bless myself but bless others; and this really encourages me," said Franklin.


Community time with fellow PenHOP interns and staff, hiking to Monkey Beach, Batu Ferringhi
Community time with fellow PenHOP interns and staff, hiking to Monkey Beach, Batu Ferringhi


It was during the Thursday night encounters where all 14 participants get a 10-minute slot to share anything about God. Franklin took the last slot and shared his testimony. “There was a time of wilderness and dry season for me. It's amazing how God has always been there. I saw a vision of me and Him. He was holding my hand throughout, never letting go,” he explained. “In that entire wilderness, I may have abandoned Him but He never left me. It (vision) shook me!”

“His love wrecked and ruined me in a way!” he continued.

The interns came from all over the world, including Philippines, Korea, Netherlands, Norway, Malaysia and the US. “They’re very well gifted in drums, guitars, keyboards and singing. It’s not about the talent but the heart,” he said about the interns.

Many of the young people who attended The BURN Internship did not know why they were there in the first place. “Following God is a sacrifice,” he says as many came in broken but not sorrowful. “They come out stronger and leaping with joy.” The spirit of David, Elijah, John the Baptist and more are all over telling them to 'come up and rise up!'

“It’s not about how we allow it (the situation) to bring us down, but how we allow God to bring us up and lead us,” he said, referring to John the Baptist who lived in the wilderness for 30 years. He was alone because he wanted to seek intimacy with God. “God prepared him for thirty years just to do a six months of ministry,” he added. “To be the greatest man besides Jesus.”

“We always want a shortcut. When we choose to serve God, it’s not about what we do or the outcome, it’s what we seek in His heart,” Franklin said. Just like David who seek after God’s heart, 'we should never stop seeking.'

The BURN Internship is a prayer and worship internship for youth leaders organized by the Penang House of Prayer or PenHop. The internship seeks to spark and strengthen what the Spirit of the Lord is doing in the nation. It desires to call forth a prophetic Davidic generation who will be unleashed upon local churches, youth groups and the marketplace as sons and daughters who carry the forerunner spirit. About 18 youths attended the internship held from July to August in Penang this year.


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