10 Dec 2013 by Mindy Oon CM –
Churches in Ipoh were brought together recently through two worship events – the Global Day of Worship, and Bob Fitt’s worship concert.

Held simultaneously around the world, the Global Day of Worship was held at Full Gospel Assembly Ipoh on the 30th of Novemeber 2013, with around 150 young adults and youths from different churches coming together for a night of worship. While it was held in FGA Ipoh, this night of worship would not have happened without ONE, a platform that offers the opportunity for churches and youth ministries to come together in unity. As such, the band that led the congregation into worship this night was made up of musicians and singers from a number of different churches in Ipoh.

Bob Fitts performed live in Ipoh on Wednesday, the 4th of December 2013 at Elim Gospel Hall. With more than 500 people in attendance, the worship concert was sold out, with people asking for tickets up to the last minute. Organized by Free Indeed Music and Full Gospel Assembly Ipoh, Bob Fitts led the multi-generational crowd into two hours of awesome worship.
The night started with FGA Ipoh’s band opening with two songs and thereafter, Bob Fitts took over and invited the crowd to worship the King of Kings with the well know hymn ‘Blessed Assurance’. Other timeless songs that were sung on that night included ‘As we Worship’, ‘He is Lovely’, and ‘You Reign’.

Since it was Christmas season, Bob Fitts also sang ‘O Come Let Us Adore Him’. It was awesome to see, row by row, the crowd standing on their feet with hands lifted up to adore their Savior, Jesus Christ. As with the Global Day of Worship, this worship concert also had a band that comprised of musicians and backup singers from different churches in Ipoh.

In both these events, God’s presence was evident; and I believe one of the key reasons for this is the fact that churches put aside their differences and come together in unity to worship the King of Kings. Galatians 3: 26-28 says ‘You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothes yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male or female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.’ It is a great thing when Christians come together in unity!
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