Bring Hope to My Children- Dr Peggy


8 August 2013 by Adeline Lum CM-


On 25 of July, Dr Peggy Wong and Pr Dianithi Durairaju were the speakers of Kingdom Christian Fellowship (KCF) led by Pr Raymond Yeo, at Isaiah 40 Café at Subang Jaya.

Dr Peggy Wong is the founder Living Hope, a non-profit organization for the poor, needy and marginalized children.

A Good Samaritan in heart, she had been doing charitable works since young even before she accepted Christ. For seven years, she was the Vice Chairman of an orphanage and raised the number of children from 15 to 75 of them.


Dr Peggy Wong
Dr Peggy Wong


“I realized that I can give them food, shelter and education. But there’s one thing I could not do for them- love and assurance of the family,” said Peggy.

The spirit of rejection was extremely strong. Many of the children did not want to be in the orphanage, but their parents were too poor to feed them or have abandoned by them.

“These children never asked to be in the orphanage. They wanted to go home to be with their families even though they have been badly abused emotionally or physically. They are suffering because of the adults’ wrong doings,” said Peggy.


Feed My Children

When the seventh year came, she managed to raise RM 1.2 million to build a second building in the orphanage for the girls. By that time she had set up an education fund of RM750,000 for the children. But The Lord called her to leave the orphanage.

“I was called to sit down and rest at His feet. But I don’t know how! Every time I get restless, I listened to ‘the power of love,’ the lyrics read ‘wait and rise on eagle wings,’” said Peggy. She spent six months waiting upon the Lord.


Dr Peggy Wong presented with flowers
Dr Peggy Wong presented with flowers


Born with a privileged background, she had always been living in five-star hotel; hence, amusingly dubbing herself as a ‘spoilt brat.’ A successful entrepreneur, she dined with the rich and famous in high teas, galas, and cruises. Hence, she was shocked when God told her to start Living Hope.

She was to go out to the nation of Malaysia to search for the poor, needy and marginalized children to feed and educate them.  I bargained with God and said “Lord, I am from the marketplace and I will evangelize in the marketplace.  I am not good for villages or slum areas and may not even survive the journey through the tough terrain. The Lord kept quiet and she had no peace until she agreed six months later.

The Lord showed her the unheard cries of the most marginalized and poorest children. She recalled an incident whereby some children had to witness their mother working in the prostitution industry, while other’s lived and played by the rubbish dumps. The Lord wants to use Peggy to channel His love, mercy and compassion to the underprivileged.


Life like a Triangle

A pastor once prophesied that her life is like a triangle. One side of the triangle resembles the rich and the famous; one side resembles the corporate, while the last side resembles pastors and missionaries.

“I asked God, what do you want me to do with the pastors and missionaries? The Lord says, ‘you provide the children physical food, while they provide them spiritual food,’” said Peggy.

To put it simply, her calling is to transfer the riches of the secular kingdom into the spiritual kingdom, by providing food and education for the underprivileged children.


Falling in Love with Jesus

In the beginning, she only thought about feeding 300 children a year. Six years later, she has touched 34,256 children through programs and projects.

The programs offered by Living Hope included ‘One Egg One Child’ Feeding Program, ‘Educate-A-Child’ Program, ‘Channel of Hope’ Distribution Program, Festivities-on-Wheels and Special Events.

The projects are Toy and Book library and Education Resource Centre.


Dr Peggy Wong
Dr Peggy Wong


“The Lord really gave me a lot of favors with the secular world. Spend time to really get to know your Father. When you know His heartbeat and do His will, He will bless you. And when God ask you to do something, do it. Don’t wait for six months like me,” said Peggy.

She learned to trust and obey the Lord. And most importantly, she is really falling in love with God the Father, Jesus her brother, and the Holy Spirit her best friend.

“Men will forsake us but God will never forsake us. I have a big army of angels behind me and I am only a channel of God’s blessings. The more you bless, the more God will bless you,” said Peggy.

A lady who is falling in love with the Lord every day, Dr Peggy Wong exuded peace and joy amidst her massive task of providing for the poor, needy and marginalized children in Malaysia.

Evidently, what made her trust and obey the Lord came first and foremost from her love towards the Lord.


Dr Peggy speaking on-stage
Dr Peggy speaking on-stage


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