A Horrible Deep and Formless Darkness

Ref: electronicintifida | http://cdn1.electronicintifada.net/sites/electronicintifada.net/files/131003-gaza-tunnel.jpg

15 Feb 2015 by Stewart Chew-


When I had a heart attack and nearly died two years ago, I could vividly recall the moment when I lost consciousness.  It seemed like forever that I was set adrift into this deep and frightful darkness.  It was a formless darkness that I have never experienced before and I was very scared because I had completely no control over where I was, and where I was heading.  No matter how much I struggled to turn my head or move my eyelids, it did not make any difference as I felt totally immobilized – like being securely tied and blindfolded. The closest thing to that horrible infinite blackness that I experienced is revealed in Genesis 1 on the creation of the earth when it was a formless and empty blackness.  Preceding the creation of life, God commanded His life-giving light to come upon earth.  The world and all the life on it that was created including human beings have ever since depended on this source of God’s power to survive. God is Light and Life and we cannot even exist for one moment without tapping on this miracle of God’s Divinity. Christ is the light of the world and He that follows Christ shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life! (John 8:12).

In my own cold and empty darkness, I was clamoring to reach out for every bit of light, like someone drowning and struggling to get to the surface for a gulp of life-giving air!  My family had prayed fervently for me.  I was told that my church friends also came to pray but they had to stay outside my door because there was no room for them inside with me.  Each time someone prayed, it brought serenity and peace to me.  Very gradually, the encompassing darkness dissipated around me and then I became aware of the familiar surroundings again.  After four weeks in intensive care in the hospital, I could finally have enough strength to sit up in bed.   

This vision of being eternally lost certainly contradicted the picture that I have always had of the picture of hell.  I have always conceived hell as an endless underground cavern of demons with spears restraining damned souls from escaping the torture of its everlasting fire.


Ref: allchristiannews
Ref: allchristiannews


Not only was I scared out of my wits from this nightmarish experience of a very deep and dark hell but also I was very privileged to be shown what Heaven is like and be given a glimpse of the Heavenly Place afterwards.  Heaven has always been seen as a quiet and happy place with contented souls moving slowly about, dressed in white robes!  Certainly from what I had experienced, it was very bright that I could not look directly at, so I was not able to see inside.  It had emanating crystal rainbow colors that magnetized me and drew me to its permanent beauty.  None of the fright of darkness and despair of hell can even come anywhere near to it nor exist in its glorious proximity. 

I cannot find an image or painting to realistically represent the picture of Heaven on paper, until by chance I stumbled across a photograph from Google of the refraction of light by a tourmaline crystal.  I think this is as near as I can pictorially show the glory of heaven.




Ref: saphiraminerals
Ref: saphiraminerals


I honestly feel that we will suffer more when we are eternally kept in total darkness and loneliness when everything is switched off, than being incinerated continuously and tormented by sneering demons with prongs! The sight of light, not just like a monochrome ray from the sun, but a glorious array of happy bright glowing colors that are refracted from a tourmaline crystal is about the closest representation of happiness of heaven where we eternally have our eyes to see or do, and now share the home of Jesus Christ the King.

In my experience of near death, I praise Him that He has brought me back and given me another chance.  I have been so blessed to be given a glimpse of our eternal home that the Lord has promised, which He has gone to prepare for us (John 14:2-3).


ABOUT: Stewart Chew is a retired senior lecturer in School of Medical Sciences, Curtin University in Perth, Australia 


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